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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. If it helps I agree with you entirely.
  2. I already made the inevitable step argument and apparently it wasn't "good enough".
  3. Put it this way: there's only a pressure to become "better" hunters if the competition for your resources threatens your ability to get what you need. Even if that pressure was there, in humans it is far more likely to cause social or behavioural change than the sudden proliferation of some ultra-rare gene that might not even exist. Just like in your "evolving psychic powers throughout the universe" idea where you tried to explain how populations and communities in the galaxy might have evolutionary effects on each other through instant communication, without attempting to explain how it arose in the first place. Evolution does not predict. It only describes changes that have occured.
  4. "One" was in post #31 and referred to post #30.
  5. Don't feed the troll. If he wants to continue this he can do it on his own from conventry.
  6. There's no difference between using a mobile and using this device that MadScientist is saying we could have implanted in our brains - they both rely on artificial, external, powered technology. He's saying that if you can transmit thoughts in any fashion, that's telepathy, in order to force telepathy into existence to support his 'evolution' discussion. Unfortunately it doesn't actually involve any evolution, telepathy or genetics so it's got nothing to do with the thread whatsoever.
  7. No. You either don't know what telepathy means, don't know what telephony means, or both. Additionally this has nothing to do with the evolution of psychic abilities, so perhaps we could get away from the fanboy speculation and back on topic.
  8. And you don't see the irony of taking the time to seek out such a forum, signing up, and then posting that comment? My god your life must be desolate.
  9. http://slashdot.org/search.pl?query=rfid Not that RFID technology has anything to do with this topic, just showing how far back the RFID privacy-related news goes.
  10. If this is Babylon 5: Crusade you are talking about, it really is appallingly bad television by any standard.
  11. They are very starey. You'd think the ones in the Charente would be used to me traipsing around by now, but nooooo.
  12. I suppose that when you say "average" you are just ignoring the thousands of people who die from flu every year?
  13. He's maybe* talking about the UK system.
  14. Those aren't attributes of the ID card. You're talking about "hacking into the system" (pfft) and you don't even know what information will be stored, or in what state. Those are, however, attributes of the existing systems.
  15. The argument from anti-authority? BOOM BOOM
  16. That's not bad for me in any way that the existing methods aren't (although my objections actually refer to the "it's a breach of privacy" argument). As for the cost of the cards, I think the .gov is deluding itself if it thinks people are going to volunteer the cash. But that's not really anything to do with the issue of whether or not the cards are a good idea in principle.
  17. First you need to think about where the dynamic content is going to be generated. If it is just things like manipulating the elements in the page or the browser window, you can do it all on the client side. Use a client-side language like VBScript or JavaScript. If you are going to be building pages from entries in a database on a server, you will need to use a server-side language like ASP or PHP. The server you are using will determine which languages you can and can't use.
  18. I was more astonished at the 'evolution' in the post. It earned the whole thread a move to this forum.
  19. It was a cliff-hanger ending that was filmed before Sci Fi axed the series. Hence the thread about how the Peacekeeper Wars miniseries tied it up so well.
  20. I call that scare-mongering. Still waiting for one of the "it's an invasion of your privacy!!" crowd to tell me why.
  21. They'd find it easier to get that information now using current means. The only people who will be using the information on your ID card will be the ones you allow access to it. I really don't see that records of infidelity, sexual preference, smoking, obesity etc have any place on a national identity card. Not to mention the fact that maintaining an up-to-date card for even just one person with that kind of information on it would be unworkable. And let's not forget, if we're going to discuss prospective employers, that everyone will have the same cards. Anything that can be applied to Jim can be applied to Joe. To be honest if an employer is going to take recommendations from a checkbox instead of assessing how well you can do the job, you should walk - not fight for your rights to take a job in a company you probably won't enjoy working for. And exactly how is it that fat people (as an example) are less discriminated against by prospective employers due to the fact that they don't have a card that tells people they are fat?
  22. Maybe they will sell realllllly long power cables as optional extras.
  23. Which makes me wonder why people are calling it an invasion of privacy.
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