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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Well, instead of speculating about the veracity of the information, why don't you use the forum search function to check for yourself. Peer review and so forth. I think fafalone and Glider gave most of the information if you want to narrow it down by username.
  2. Don't read emotional content into straightforward queries; you've already seen where that leads to.
  3. You do realise you are going straight to hell, don't you?
  4. There's plenty of information about the biological factors involved scattered throughout all the homosexuality threads.
  5. It's not really a matter of intelligence, but of what information they have access to.
  6. I wouldn't necessarily expect a politician to be completely honest all of the time, but I would certainly demand it of the Office of the President.
  7. I don't think anyone claimed that "only Bush lies". In fact I seem to remember pretty much everyone talking about how all politicians lie. The point of all that was that Bush lied to the American people in his capacity as president, and people weren't too pleased about it.
  8. Same-sex marriages involve mutual adult consent. As has been pointed out time and time again in all the threads on homosexuality.
  9. I really hope you are drawing a clear distinction here between pig Latin and classical Latin.
  10. I think there are some other threads along these lines around somewhere.
  11. That's the bugger. It was already dead when I found it and it still gave my mum the heebie jeebies.
  12. This description reminded me of a dessicated insect corpse I found on a book shelf while I was in France. This thing really freaked me out as I had never seen anything like it, not in the flesh and not in the literature. Imagine a centipede about two inches long. Now imagine it has the colouration and legs of a spider, with the legs getting longer towards the rear until they end with two pairs that are more the twice the length of the others, and angled up then down in an "I can pounce real fast" kind of way. Also put larger jaws on it. Eeek. Anyone have any idea what that ugly fecker was?
  13. That's a fine incentive. Any society will benefit from individuals who work for the greater good. The reasons it doesn't work in practice are selfishness, apathy and/or social fatigue (which in turn have a number of causes, not least of which are dictatorial or militant governing bodies). Although you kind of said all that anyway...
  14. The assignment of numbers to dimensions is arbitrary.
  15. Oh, this just appeared on the Beeb and it seems slightly relevant: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3746554.stm
  16. This is the first thread in the table: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5
  17. You had better tell your marketing team to get a move on.
  18. The claims I refer to are the very same ones that other members queried earlier in the thread. Pretty much every reply to your posts I think. Why would Geologists not dare to go there? That seems... odd.
  19. Fired at the sun from a giant space cannon. Hurrah!
  20. The cost of extracting, deriving and transporting oil-based fuels will make them a non-viable source of energy long before it's all gone.
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