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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Clearly if they can fly, they can't not fly, so it must be our understanding of how bumblebees are aerodynamic that is being questioned in the original post.
  2. Does it have to be unquestioningly good evidence, or just better than "but the bible says so"?
  3. A piece of meat left for a week is not comparable to oceans of primordial organics covering an entire planet for millions of years.
  4. While all of this is true, Schrodngr's_cat is not asking if he is likely to be prosecuted. He is asking if he has first ammendment rights on services that operate from foreign servers. The fact that you might not be punished for circumventing or ignoring your rights does not make the allocation of those rights any less delineated.
  5. Well, average body heat is not a difficult number to find, so work it out
  6. Actually it's not fuzzy at all. Perhaps you should actually read the end-user agreements for services before you sign up to them. Most of them specify the country in which the server resides, and under whose laws legal action will be carried out in response to offences committed by people using or abusing the service.
  7. I still want to know what this means. Will they make us all slaves, eat our young, or simply steal jobs?
  8. "5" is abstract but "5 dollars" is not (insofar as your average indebted person is worried about degrees of abstraction).
  9. Even if it does, it only means that America has a diplomatic presence there, not a legal one.
  10. Debt is a tricksy fat example because the "amount of money" as an entity is still positive - it's only the person who owns it that has changed. The debt itself is negative, but it's an abstract concept so I'm not sure it answers the question. Actually, iirc this has come up before.
  11. It lacks features because it's a beta version. The alpha will be released soon. MSN is a bag of crap. I suggest adblocking the banners, as they use image beacons to download known adware.
  12. What do you mean by "take over"?
  13. Hurrah for not letting other people's rights get in the way of your own vastly more important ones!
  14. No. You are considered to have presence in the country in which the server is located, and therefore are subject to the laws of that country. It's the same for online transactions, where [acr=Electronic Point of Sale]EPoS[/acr] is considered to be the server on which the transaction is carried out. If a hacker in Germany attacks a server in the USA, the hacker can be extradited and charged under US law, because that is where the crime was committed (except where special diplomatic arrangements are made). It's the same for everyone, and no country can have it both ways by imposing their laws on property outside their borders.
  15. That's not in the slightest bit true.
  16. I'd like to know exactly what kind of population would use that much energy (and why they're so inefficient, if most of it is lost as heat). I think Hawking might be lost in the figures again on that one.
  17. That "random stuff" is a misinterpretation of a line break or some other character that is not intended for use in the title or alt attributes of HTML tags. This is not a problem with Firefox, it's a problem with developers (I.E. vBulletin) misusing the HTML spec. Since Mozilla is a fully W3C-compliant browser, sites that don't work properly in it are not worth visiting (unless of course you really have to use it, in which case try Opera before you try IE).
  18. And I'm sure he will have a brilliant plan up his sleeve for appearing to be tackling the crisis, should it ever come up. How many consecutive terms can a president sit in the USA? Is it two?
  19. I don't see how any new administration can avoid tax hikes when they are faced with fixing the greatest deficit in history. The "leave your successor a shit hole to look after so he'll look like a shit shoveller" routine is pretty damned old.
  20. Apart from that tank guy, but that was a special occasion.
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