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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Aside from research purposes? Combine matter with antimatter and a huge amount of energy is released. If there were some kind of "natural" reservoir of anti-hydrogen, and we could harvest the energy released by its collisions with normal matter, it would be a tremendous energy source.
  2. When Tycho said that using a wormhole to get to Alpha Centauri was pure science fiction, I suspect he was referring to the 'massive overkill' aspect. If you want to know about neutrino detectors, simply follow the link I posted. They are interesting devices.
  3. Because the neutrino has been observed. http://www.google.co.uk/search?num=100&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=neutrino+detectors&btnG=Search&meta=
  4. Well you know, he did run through their houses breaking stuff.
  5. More specifically, formalisation means that everyone uses the same labels. When you say "they had a large amount of difficult dealing with them", do you mean they were unable to communicate the concept to each other, or they were unable to conceive of the concept itself? Because the two are not the same thing.
  6. Where does the figure of 50,000 Kurds come from?
  7. Cue the retarded "cover-up" claims...
  8. Perhaps the version of MSN you are using has a vulnerability which the machine at that IP is scanning for. Check if there is a messenger update available. ...unless of course it's the MSN server.
  9. "What if" with respect to what?
  10. Isn't language basically a formalised labelling system for abstract thought? It clearly did not come first.
  11. This has gone on for far too long. ExtraSense: There may well be simple life forms on Mars now. There could have been simple and perhaps complex life forms in the past. The evidence that has been returned from Mars so far is not and has never been evidence of life - it is only evidence of the planet's ability to support life. Your interpretations of the images are a joke, your responses are offensive to the scientists who are doing all the work, and your ignorance of the basic science fundamentals rob you of any credibility you might ever hope to acquire.
  12. If you want to be taken seriously in any way, you ned to say what you mean. I think that "imagine" is a good choice of word here, seeing as there is no organic soil to evidence any such situation.
  13. The sound barrier is so-named only because it was once a barrier to human engineering. It has nothing to do with relativity and anyone who says "if the sound barrier can be broken, the light barrier can too" clearly has no idea what they are talking about.
  14. This suggests you don't know what a berry is. Irrelevant. Obviously you did not read the article very closely. What ecosystem is that?
  15. Right. Statues of elephants on Mars. IS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE MORE LIKELY?
  16. No, not what you would expect. Despite your fanatical devotion to accepting such innane possibilities as there being elephants on Mars. I would dispute that for several reasons. Do not presume to tell me what constitutes an ecosystem. If you want to claim those are berries, you need to show evidence of the macroscopic avian or land-based life that consume them and thereby provide a means of dispersal. Even then you won't have a full ecosystem.
  17. That only tells you "it may not be a rock". It does not tell you that it is a flower. For a start, it could be a mineral deposit of some sort. That would easily account for the similar shapes, and it is far more likely than it being a flower, given the complete lack of an ecosystem.
  18. We know what we're arguing about - rocks.
  19. "Quork-quork-quork" isn't quite as impressive as "I'm going to put the kettle on; do you want one?" Mind you I could be biased there because tea is involved.
  20. Mynah bird, I would have thought. They are excellent mimics and will even speak clearly in sentences.
  21. When you're asking about the possibility of building a robot with a certain set of resources, it helps if you mention what tasks it will need to be capable of.
  22. Would the shockwave from the torpedo not damage the concrete hull if it were too close?
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