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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. People who vote no should say how much "enough" is, and justify it.
  2. Yes, that's entirely possible. But given that the outcome is going to be "carry on as normal" or "planet is shafted", and we don't know which, you'd think civilisation would want to play it a bit safer
  3. Iraq 81 85 48 % 51 % Iran, Islamic Republic Of 5 13 27 % 72 %
  4. Firefox on mandrake is very very very fast.
  5. Sayonara


    Yes it is quite a long thread, which has become kind of a drawback (repeats of prior arguments etc). If you eat the meat from your kills, I would agree that is less wasteful than killing for fun. I don't think that necessarily argues the case for guns, but at least you have thought about what you're doing
  6. rofl What the flying yellow rubbery **** is that meant to be?
  7. If the very noticeable shift in weather patterns in Britain over the past 10 years (I mean Britain, come on. There's obviously something deeply wrong here) is anything to go by, the whole system is changing already
  8. I voted "yes we spend too much", but only because I don't think it's being spent on the right things if you're asuming the budget should be for space exploration.
  9. Sayonara


    At the risk of undermining your anti-spam comments, I just wanted to say "lol".
  10. See post #5, and consider that Blike's post is not supposed to be a blow-by-blow account of what actually happened.
  11. So they can say "honestly, our bag-of-holes software is (more) secure now".
  12. Contrast helps, brightness doesn't.
  13. That can all probably be traced back to the "improved" windows firewall, and therefore solved by turning it off and using your trusted, already chosen and installed alternative that was there anyway. "Thanks Microsoft".
  14. A combination of luck and browsing habits I suppose. That could carry you through ok, but to be honest there are a lot more reasons to move than to stay, and the first time something does happen it is likely to be a realllllly nasty and well-devised one that gets you.
  15. And being a proper browser that uses the DOM correctly, which I keep mentioning but it doesn't seem to be getting through to anyone. Not necessarily. Image beacons, banners and even scripts embedded in sigs can do the nasty on your IE ass. The thing with IE is that the security options that are there are not sufficient to allow you to take steps to protect yourself. For instance you cannot block images that don't come from the originating server, which opens you up to scripts embedded in an <img> tag.
  16. If I got the money back for dull games I have bought based on the strength of the demo, I'd be able to buy a new system.
  17. oops, missed out a key part of that sentence. Fixed.
  18. Install the "Single Window" extension. Super DragAndGo is handy too - opens any linked object (that you drag to empty space on the page) in a new tab.
  19. See if you can convince the owner to upgrade to Win2K - that works fine on lower spec machines, and you can easily add it to an XP workgroup.
  20. I don't know. As far as I am concerned '98 is obsolete, so I don't bother keeping myself abreast of its issues.
  21. They're adequate. They do things like randomly upgrade your bandwidth free of charge, and ignore certain naughty uses of the connection, which is nice.
  22. Sometimes I like to turn my monitor off and pretend I'm playing the best game ever.
  23. Wrong implementation I imagine - I would not have thought it is impossible to do. Look at Microsoft's networking support pages for XP.
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