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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. And for variables that have a value assigned. Unless you're writing something to be typeset, in which case underline anything to be italicised. OH MY HEAD.
  2. I don't know much about them because tbh I don't find them that useful.
  3. Good. God, you're so annoying* * actual content of post may not be true.
  4. I don't have a car so I voted for the kind I would buy. Although personally I think the idea of the individually-available personal transport is nearing total obsolescence.
  5. My main problem here is that the system may be infinite. Assuming it is not infinite, there's nothing stopping it changing scope (i.e. becoming different systems, systems changing size etc), seeing as the wormholes between universes could very well open and/or close. Both of those scenarios present problems for conservation.
  6. Does it matter what happens to it? The point is that if the system is open, conservation doesn't apply. Unless we can evaluate the nature of the system to either 'open' or 'closed', it would be presumptuous to apply conservation. Although you do raise the interesting point that if matter "leaks" out of a closed universe somehow, do we consider it to be destroyed, or just temporarily AWOL? We might need to move to a different universe just prior to the end of this one and decide which it is retrospectively. With regards to your quoted section, I don't see why a leaky universe would deflate. Also I note that you assume the age of the universe indicates many wormholes, but overlook the fact that two universes might indicate many universes.
  7. What? That's grandma talk. Clearly the generalised lack of griping from people who lost legs has nothing to do with whether or not we should be able to complain about matters that are orders of magnitude less severe. An annoyance is trivial - comparing it to a tragedy does not compute.
  8. Whether or not {our universe + foreign universe} constitutes a closed system can only be an assumption, so you can't really apply any principles where boolean knowledge of that state is required unless you do so with the appropriate caveats or a suggestion for the opposite case.
  9. Yeah, I remember the last time I stuck my knife into a Lotka-Volterra model, that was right before I started believing in it. You're so wise.
  10. The conservation of energy principle applies to a closed system. If matter or energy is being passed to (or from) another universe, then either the system is not closed, or the principle is broken.
  11. I mean that you are only replying to me in the respect that you are clicking the "reply" button. I am not disputing any of what you have said other than the fact that I don't believe that conservation of energy can be arbitrarily expanded to incorporate any energy entering/leaving another universe.
  12. You seem to be having your own conversation.
  13. That's all very nice (although I think you are confusing meaningfulness with functionality) but it doesn't address the issue we are discussing, where the presence of matter and energy is your own assumption:
  14. No, you already have the location of the file. The machine that is serving it is doing so in a fashion that only allows streaming. I don't know how you can possibly expect to be able to download the file without knowing how it is served.
  15. I would have thought the laws probably being different in the first place takes precedence, seeing as this is all supposition.
  16. If you mean the TV show, then the chances of it developing in parallel are quite slim if it's the kind of place that has white holes. If you mean the list of the fundamental problems of life, then I think you forget Murphy's Law clearly states that: "When you find yourself in another universe where even the laws of physics are different, you can bet your ass Murphy's Law will be the one thing you recognise."
  17. Afaik the only local file that could be considered the ".wmv file" is simply an address that tells WMP where to look for the stream (unless of course you happen to have a local copy of a WMV file, such as one you encoded yourself. Streaming is the process of sending data in a continuous fashion, instead of in discrete lumps. With streaming media you are seeing the playback of the remote file (or indeed a live feed) "as it happens". I think asf and wmv are two different streaming file formats. You should find lots of info on WMV here: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/distribute.aspx
  18. OK, I don't see why any of the laws of physics as we know them should apply to another universe.
  19. I'm going to bet it is something to do with the firing rate of the neurons in the receptor cells, and "they see 9 times slower than we do" is the pop science edition of what's actually happening.
  20. I don't think conservation laws would apply across universes.
  21. The challenges forum is now fully moderated (threads must be validated as well as posts), so this is no longer an issue.
  22. A) It's not "his education", he's in the UK, B) He wasn't replying to you.
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