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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. You mean imagination can have logic. Logic is a tool, it is not the defining be-all-and-end-all of knowledge. As the Vulcans say, "logic is the beginning of wisdom, not its end", and nobody knows more about logic than the Vulcans. Oh **** off with your unjustifiable opinions.
  2. If the first five pan out this will be promoted to "general science".
  3. Sayonara


    Wait a minute... You aren't a real doctor.
  4. Your physiology is determined by your genetic makeup, so I'm guessing you read that as "psychological"?
  5. Even if you have a mental condition you still have to be a serious threat to others to be "locked away". Civilised countries that respect freedom have laws about that kind of thing - over here it's the Mental Health Act (Reform) 1983, which you can learn about here: http://www.dh.gov.uk/PolicyAndGuidance/HealthAndSocialCareTopics/MentalHealth/fs/en
  6. I interpreted his use of "capabilities" as referring to a set of distinct and unknown functions, rather than to potential for the additional use of known functions. If we're just talking about "normal" brian power, then yes - for social reasons much of it does go unused. However Yourdad's follow-up question was "isn't it possible we can do things we don't know we can?", which clearly means what I originally thought.
  7. That's not so much a theory as it is a rough draft for a teleplay.
  8. Why would our brains have vast repositories of capabilities that we don't use?
  9. Sayonara

    e-mail new posts

    http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/faq.php? While you're at it take a look at this: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/announcement.php?f=7
  10. I don't know, but afaik most Linux users use mplayer anyway.
  11. You'll find Mandrake easier to use, but the support for FC2 is better organised.
  12. Check there are no hairs or fibres lodged in the optical housing.
  13. In other words' date=' my first answer was correct. You can't use "save as" because WMP knows not to allow saving of .wmv files (indeed, there is no temporary file [i']to[/i] save). The number after the ? in the URL is a confirmation code to ensure your session is valid. It probably checks against an algorithm the player knows.
  14. Welcome to the wonderful world of being trolled, everyone.
  15. Is it ball or optical? Is it cabled or cable-free?
  16. I would hope that I make people think about the things they are perhaps overly-confident of
  17. There's no such thing as complicated HTML (unless you use Frontpage, which is the ****ing devil, but most of its code is not valid HTML anyway). Rather than using a page-builder you will save yourself time and tears if you just learn CSS2 and XHTML, which you can do at http://www.w3schools.com, and code in a text editor. I know people always say that, but it really is true.
  18. Those sigs just call a simple PHP script. They aren't complex really, although the idea is open to abuse (slightly).
  19. When I said "cause headaches", I meant it becomes difficult to administer the bigger it gets.
  20. I don't think it does download a file. Hence the name "streaming media". Ask LuTze about server mount points for streams - he will have a better idea about how they are served.
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