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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. That's not true. However if people want to try it, I say let them. It will get some of the idiots off the roads.
  2. Most of the time it won't be a hacker, it will be a worm or similar port-scanning you.
  3. It won't work. Watching streaming media is not the same as opening a file.
  4. Unless you can find some software that rips streams while you watch them, you'll have to ask the server admin for a copy.
  5. I'm looking at your IP address right now. Big deal. There's no way you can hide it completely, unless you don't mind not being able to communicate with other machines.
  6. Sayonara


    AHhhh... you meant you use the spelling from international English. That makes more sense.
  7. The current version of phpBB wll cause headaches if you get really really active, but the next version along (2.2.x) will blow all other free forums out of the water.
  8. Sayonara


    What's non-American English? South-African is nothing like Australian, for example.
  9. I'm telling you, white wine on top of lager never lies.
  10. Sayonara


    The mix of European, Commonwealth and American members might have something to do with that. Obviously I use English, by which I mean actual English and not Microsoftian
  11. It's easier to push yourself when you have a goal to aim for (i.e. - the last record that as set.) Perhaps it's that simple.
  12. Actually it was pretty silly before then too.
  13. I don't know why you're all bothering to argue over this. These are the facts: 1) Enough people voted for Bush to get him into office, which ought to be disturbing enough to get you all more politically involved. 2) Texas is frightful. 3) Florida is fickle, but nice. There. Glad we got all of that sorted out.
  14. I don't approve of the approach Moore uses at all, but the fact is that he is far more likely to give you good information than are the current administration. Admonish him all you (pl) like for misrepresenting events or timings, but do not try to paint him as a liar or tag him with ridiculous and meaningless monikers such as "liberal" (or whatever nonsensical polar extremes have been brainwashed into you). It just makes you look like vacuous fascist lunatics.
  15. I understand what you mean, Lucid. Your concerns are for the integrity of society as a whole (whether this is financial integrity, based on taxes, or whatever). It is in the nature of societies to change over time. Society is not a single entity that we serve, it is made from us - as our behaviours and lifestyles change, so must our society. A society that is incapable of reflecting the nature of its constituent members is doomed to failure.
  16. You're in the wrong thread then.
  17. Usually it's because the anti person involved can't make the distinction between individuals' behaviour and group generalisation.
  18. The title is "Highest education level completed (or currently working on)".
  19. The poll is for "highest completed or working on". What's the problem? If you are not working on a qualification now, you put the highest one you have. If you are working on one now, and it's higher than your previous efforts, you put down that one. If it's lower than your previous efforts and you are just doing it for a laugh, then again you put down the highest one you have.
  20. The pre-nuptial agreement is becoming more and more common these days, and it's pretty much totally customisable, so I'd contend that we do (or at the very least, we can). In a marriage that was not intended to make a man/wife pair, it's even more likely that such an agreement would exist, because there is little legal recourse for people wishing to leave such an arrangement. What I am saying is that, even if you had this hypothetical marriage dealy with your best friend (male or female, doesn't matter for this example), and you weren't sexually involved ("I love X but I'm not in love with X" kind of thing, if this were a TV movie), it would still be a good idea to have some kind of mutual agreement regarding sexual behaviour. This is because sexual tension and jealousy are two of the most destructive human forces both in terms of the degree of damage that can be done, and the range of people they affect. The other examples you mentioned don't come anywhere close, and are more easily discussed or compromised on for the majority of people.
  21. No, he is not defining it as that at all. What he is saying is that for two people in a commited relationship or marriage of any sort, the issue of sex is going to be an important one that could make or break them as a couple. Entering a marriage agreement with someone is, more often than not, going to involve some discussion of sex, in the same way that marriage is an advance agreement of anything that is of concern to people in a relationship.
  22. This poll is for syndicated television series only. In this context a series is a set of [seasons of] episodes featuring the same central characters and usually a central story arc. The Star Trek series are therefore separate, Matrix and Star Wars are inelligible. As I already said Superman stories are covered by "other", along with every other syndicated sci-fi show that is not on the list.
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