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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Star Wars and the Matrix are not series. Smallville falls under "other". Star Trek is five series, or four if you don't count Enterprise.
  2. Accusing Phi of bigottry is a bit unrealistic.
  3. Sayonara


    Damn it - I spent a good few minutes hunting out this ancient thread, but its relevance is diminished somewhat by the question not ever being answered.
  4. Sayonara


    I'm not sure if yourdad meant to say that the circumference was actually affected, or if it just appears that way to someone in a different relatavistic frame.
  5. Sayonara


    This thread needs lots of big diagrams.
  6. I realise that, but my point is that 9/11 resulted from decades of Western interference in the Middle East - it wasn't just something for bored terrorists to do one weekend. I do agree that doing nothing after 9/11 would have invited further attacks, however I think a more subtle approach might have been a teensy bit better for everyone
  7. Sayonara


    It no longer is being discussed elsewhere.
  8. Sayonara


    To your credit, that's a better answer than I expected.
  9. Sayonara


    Are you retarded or just retarded?
  10. I think you might find that "attention" is implied in the act of marriage by anyone, seeing as they are declaring their love and/or commitment before god, friends and family. Even if it were some sort of terrible and covert "motive", and if you were to apply any uniform criteria for deciding if someone wanted to marry just for attention, it would not only fail to cover all gay marriages, but it would cover a great deal of straight marriages too. Again we come back to Special Pleading.
  11. Sayonara


    How should I know? If I knew that, I wouldn't have been querying it in the other thread, would I?
  12. Call me cynical but I don't think you can get away with claiming that 9/11 resulted from "doing nothing".
  13. Sayonara


    Yes I did, didn't I.
  14. Sayonara


    I don't see what the point of the poll is, seeing as it's not a matter of opinion, and the discussion itself is already underway. I'm not interested in whether or not you think I have a problem.
  15. I can't speak for anyone else (although it doesn't appear to me that anyone was laughing at the USA), but I was quite specifically referring to Bush alone.
  16. Sayonara


    Why does this deserve a poll?
  17. What possible hidden motives could the average Jeff & Dave or Sally & Emma have for wanting to get married?
  18. Something tells me the HL2 story will have quite a few twists and turns. I can't see D3 being too complex though.
  19. Sorry to have to say this Jordan (and quite shocked at you to be honest), but that post demonstrates a great deal of ignorance about the issue. If you cannot see any way of separating gay culture from gay individuals, then I don't see how your questions shouldn't be applied to any other minority group.
  20. No. It was crap. If there is another it won't be better.
  21. Since when were parades about gaining respect? People earn respect as individuals, for the things they do and the things they say. And suggesting that the allocation of their rights should be determined by what they wore during a parade is farcical.
  22. I'm sure I don't know what you could possiby mean. So? Ah, the evidence mounts
  23. I see. People are very good at ignoring things that don't directly affect them. Making yourself more visible certainly seem to be the way to get people talking about your issues.
  24. Is there one portion of the population that are allowed to own guns, and one that isn't? If so, what is the difference between those populations? I hardly think a gay marriage is going to shoot anyone from a bell tower. Whether or not you see that it is important to them does not change the fact that it is. If you were arguing for your rights in a similar matter, would you want random gay people debating whether or not they considered your position to be good enough to meet with their approval? I think not. I think that accusing the gay community of "rejecting traditional society" is a sweeping generalisation and bit of a red herring, given the decades or discrimination, ostracisation and persecution. Regardless of the more exotic elements you see parading once a year, or being lampooned or exploited in some daytime chat show or comedy, most gay people are everyday humans who are just trying to get on with their lives like everybody else.
  25. No, I think they are unmarried because they (a) do not wish to get married, (b) have not married yet, or © are prevented from marrying for legal reasons which are independent of sexuality. Second-class citizenry comes from being entitled to fewer rights than the average citizen for no good reason, and you aren't going to magically sweep that away by saying things like "their requirements are at odds with my views".
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