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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I don't see why there should be any argument. I have not said that they are "the same atom". They are distinct entities, however they are also identical instances of the same class of entity - "being different" does not require "having differences". By all means give them different labels, but for all practical purposes they are completely interchangeable.
  2. Anyone with the most basic grasp of our democratic processes? Sorry, but there it is.
  3. Some posts were moved due to the fact that they were the same two points posted over and over. A long post from you was not among them.
  4. Then you're wrong. No they won't. "X causes protests" is not a reason to stop doing X. It never has been, and it never will be. Remember how the protests stopped nuclear power? Atomic weapon development? Animal testing? Fuel tax increases? The war on Afghanistan? The war on Iraq? No, you don't do you. Because none of those things have stopped. What? No, it is not.
  5. Kind of. I'm just saying that the fact that the copy is not actually the original is not important. They are identical in all ways, so it doesn't matter one bit for any practical purposes. I mean, consider your skin. The atoms that make it up have been there less than a month, and there's a good chance they have been in your body for less than a year. Assuming we could use quantum teleportation to create a copy of you and destroy the original (and ignoring issues surrounding consciousness), how would the duplicate skin created for your body in this way be any different to the skin you will have grown in two months' time as part of your normal replacement cycle?
  6. They don't have very obvious titles, but the question "are humans still evolving" comes up all the time on here.
  7. Look at the many other threads in this section that deal with exactly that issue.
  8. 1 - He could have been in France, where many bars do have waitresses and pubs techincally do not exist. 2 - Barmaid != waitress.
  9. The workings of the Google Adsense system are simple and the information is freely available to all, so this is hardly a great universal mystery.
  10. Scratch that - I assume you did not read the bit in the middle.
  11. I'm going to assume from the above that you did not read beyond the first sentence of post #38.
  12. No he couldn't, no he isn't, and no there isn't. The UK doesn't have a president, by the way. We have a Prime Minister. No, it's not a joke. Perhaps if you read the thread with more care, you'd see the posts you are telling me about are ones that I wrote. Perhaps if you knew about the current biomedical ethics protest situation in the UK at the moment, or anything about our political process, you'd have made a coherent point. There's always the future I suppose. Since the latest news forum threads dangle off the front page of the web site, please try not to abuse punctuation by having 82 exclamation marks or three sets of directly stacked parenthesis. It doesn't help your points one bit, and makes you look a bit loony tbh.
  13. I don't recall ever reading or hearing anything about the physical workings of the Stargate. How do you know it doesn't do exactly what you said is required? Goa'uld and Asgard ships use hyperspace to move between distant systems; I see no reason why a more dimensionally extreme version of that space can't be the "short cut region" through which the gate wormholes carry matter.
  14. Pubs in the UK don't have waitresses, because we don't fall about on our way back to the bar after half a litre of piss-water Artois*. * which we can buy in cans, so nyaaaah.
  15. I don't see the link between mating season and an as-yet undefined state of having "stepped forward".
  16. Strange that you replied to this thread just before I was about to post this fairly related link: California annuls 4,000 gay marriages. Methinks that move will have repurcussions.
  17. Wait until the "Anti-Huntingdon Life Sciences" type people get their teeth into this. /predicting death in arson attack within the year.
  18. It's not just that you can't tell the difference, the point is that there is no difference. Cloning has nothing to do with it.
  19. I didn't miss the point. Blair can't ban cloning.
  20. Do you really give a **** what that half-witted religious fanatic* thinks? Certainly scientists outside the USA don't. Iirc the [acr=British Medical Association]BMA[/acr] don't recognise American medical research at face value so I doubt US policy will concern us that much. * No offence intended to people who are pathologically incapable of separating issues, or people who still think they have to agree with the President.
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