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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. The mindless, pointless work you do in school has one function: To get you the credit you need to position yourself well later on. At that level it's better to study the things you want to study on your own time, because as crappy as the majority of schoolwork gets, the bottom line is that you need the marks if you want to do well later on. I think Navajo is in the USA, but for the UK they're trying to run schools like businesses now, as the universities do. That's obviously doomed to failure (or rather it will mortgage off students' futue in favour of "the system"). Oh - also, the modern UK school system is a joke in terms of syllabus and testing requirements.
  2. Well, that wasn't just for you. More like anyone who assumes we don't think about these things. - None of the existing bubble characters will be removed without a good reason, because that means going around the forum locating and removing all instances of those bubbles (otherwise, without the image, they will be screwed up) which is fairly counter-productive. - I'm not at the beck and call of anyone who can think of a new character we can use, ta. 10 should be plenty of variety even for the most demanding comic genius. - This tag will not be used in any science threads. End of.
  3. "Rebelling" in this context is only going to damage one thing: your education. I'd suggest you avoid wasting your time with protests or whatever, which aren't realistically going to change anything (in your school/college, never mind nationally), when you could be in the library teaching yourself the things you want to learn. Throwing a spanner in the works just for the sake of it is a waste of everybody's time.
  4. It depends what level you are at. Pre-college there is not much point in trying to challenge the system. At university, you'll find many more academics are willing to indulge or even accept new ideas.
  5. Trolling is against the forum rules. "Some people who are affected will not see this thread before their cookies expire, or without using a different PC or browser" is not the same as "nobody affected will ever see this thread", which you damned well know.
  6. I don't really see that I have discounted anything of 5614's post which you might call "farfetched". I have simply pointed out the disparity between the original question, and what he is saying. What do you mean by "real AI"? Could it perhaps be a learning system that is capable of becoming more intelligent than us? Wow, you really disagreed with me there. I haven't at any point said it will be easy. What I am suggesting is that it is pretty much inevitable, given the current trends in the technology.
  7. Play them on what? The PC or another device? I am now wondering if people are trying to play mp3s through CD players, stereos etc.
  8. "Oh, site not working in firefox" usually leads to "I'll check with IE", which would solve the problem as far as seeing the forum is concerned. This is a support thread and it is not the place for I am Teh Funneh replies.
  9. Where do you suggest i post it? In the ethereal realms? A lot of the people on here who have had problems also know other members IRL. Additionally, due to the nature of this problem it will affect one browser but not another, it will affect one PC but not another. See?
  10. No, absolute whining pisses off absolutely. 10 Post crap 20 Notice post is gone 30 Complain to admin 40 Admin takes valuable time out of their day to point out why the post was removed 50 Print "oh yeah" 60 Instantly forget conversation 70 Goto 10
  11. If you are getting script errors on every page, or can't get ot the forums (or more likely, know of someone else who can't), you need to ttake the following action: - Clear your browser's cache. - Delete all SFN cookies (there are a few) - Close browser - Try again
  12. I have a full dissection kit - you know, from the Biology degree? You forgetful fool.
  13. Could just be cheap, crappy media.
  14. Don't PM an admin because your post vanished.
  15. Well anything sounds worse if you call it "The Rape of ~" or "The Death March". As for the death of Chinese people due to Imperial Japan, are we to assume you are simply choosing to ignore the invasion and occupation of Japan by China? You know, the socially intrusive event that fashioned much of their present culture, including their language.
  16. I suppose their mistake must have been when they allowed the wheel to operate within the laws of physics of this universe
  17. I don't think anyone is in any doubt that it is complicated. Again, I have to point out that learning, intelligent programs do exist. Artificial Intelligence - to a certain degree - is a reality now. That wasn't the original question. We don't necessarily need to know about the human brain to make a program that is more intelligent than we are. I don't think it's in any way helpful to compare your experience of programming with that of, say, computer science professionals who have been writing in assembly language for the past forty years.
  18. In other words, it could just have easily been a VCR or a poodle.
  19. The validation of posts to the challenges forum has always been there. It is only recently we have started to crack down on responses, so you will find some older challenge threads that are quite spammy. The only responses expected in the challenges forum are "yes", "no", or a request for clarification. Invalid posts are not usually deleted from there; instead they never make it to the thread. Posts that get deleted elsewhere do so for a reason, and as I have said before it's usually because it breaks the rules in some way. Don't take it personally and don't try to compare the way you are "treated" to other people, you'll just end up with a persecution complex
  20. Navajo, I accidentally cleared your reply from the validation queue. Sorry. You should be able to reply freely now as I have moved the thread to GD, as there's no reason to restrict the discussion challenge-stylee.
  21. What file format did you burn to the CD?
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