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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. There are frequent baby boons in September/October due to the spring time luvin, so there is evidence that we are seasonally affected in some fashion. Interestingly enough this corrolates somewhat with the disproportionate number of homosexuals born under virgo/libra.
  2. Ahhhh but I could have left home since I started screening you.
  3. The front page has changed. It's new and better. The beige box was the background for the text entry box. The page had obviously not loaded yet.
  4. I am screening you so you don't know I am home.
  5. When you said "active users" thingyjigger I thought you were talking about the "who's online" box.
  6. It's based on the sessions that members begin when they log in. Default session expiry is after 20 mins, so unless you log out (i.e. if you browse off somewhere else or close the window) the server will assume your session is still open for up to 20 minutes. Most web sites use this method due to the nature of sessions.
  7. You think we should persecute people based on their ability to use English? How shocking. I am shocked. SHOCKED.
  8. This thread makes the baby Jesus cry.
  9. The objective is not intended to be the "weeding out" of anything. It is intended to create a less resource-intensive, more society-oriented population. There's a tendency to try and imprint the impact of this method upon our current society, which is somewhat fallacious as you can't expect an overnight change, and even if that did occur the resulting society would not be anything like the one we have now. There's also a tendency to misinterpret what is meant by the word social in this context. It's more to do with behavioural ecology than ephemeral concepts such as class.
  10. Caffeine does not "increase urine flow" as such. It is a diuretic that inhibits water reclamation in the kidneys. Water is therefore more easily passed out of the blood, and of course ends up in the bladder.
  11. I don't see why not: stage fright isn't a "slip up" either. Do you get tongue tied, or do you actually come out with Bushisms?
  12. My post is from a Simpson's episode. Yours is just crazy talk.
  13. I don't really have one to be honest. How have you guys chosen yours? What criteria do you use? Most interesting work, most intriguing mind, most entertaining writer...?
  14. Bushisms are not just "slip ups", they are the product of a seriously flawed brain->mouth process.
  15. yvan eht nioj yvan eht nioj
  16. I don't think it's so much that we have lost the ability, more that it's not socially acceptable any more to go around snuffling at people's crotches.
  17. Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.
  18. I'm sure that is definitely the larger part of it all, yes. On some level though most men probably realise the lie. By the "bragging that they've done exactly the same thing with a woman" part, I actually meant the tonga and bum bit. Whenever I hear the must-be-oh-so-manly-or-I'll-have-no-sexual-credibility blokes talking about gaydom, at least one of them has to get that immortal line in there, "if anyone tried to stick their cck in me I'd lamp 'em". Yet somehow it's ok for their gf to expect it after eight pints and a curry.
  19. It's not that I thought you were demonizing them as such, it's just that you left the frequency with which sherman carpetting occured open to the imagination of the reader. The way the post seems to read in context is that the sherman carpets were a standard part of the Japanese war machine.
  20. There's no real way to stop people getting the information, so it's probably better they get it from experienced chemists rather than the Idiot's Handbook or through their own experimentation.
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