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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. The changes in the way we live that you mentioned have changed the way selection occurs in our population, but they have in no way stopped it and never will. There are a few threads on this knocking around the evo forum.
  2. The fact that you managed to type several reasonable sentences indicates you are more intelligent than an IQ test result of 50 would otherwise suggest.
  3. It could be, but I choose to believe that ICE CREAM! ICE CREAM! DOG MAN SITS AND HANDS OUT ICE CREAM! and then we all got to where we are now.
  4. The term homophobia is an imperfect one. Socially, it is used to indicate distaste or hatred of homosexuals (usually male homosexuals, to be honest). In clinical terms it is resentment of homosexuality stemming from the belief that one may have or have had homosexual feelings.
  5. I think that program probably came from the brain of a TV executive who thinks that "getting information" makes you all scientifical "n' stuff".
  6. For signatories to the 1967 Outer Space Treaty*, yes. For everyone else, no. Note that a Daedalus-style propulsion system would not be banned under the terms of the treaty because it is not a weapon (although you could reasonably expect international observers to attend testing and launches.) http://www.ucsusa.org/global_security/space_weapons/page.cfm?pageID=1157 * The Outer Space Treaty is actuall incorrectly named: it should be called the Inner Space Treaty, as Outer Space refers to everything outside the Solar System.
  7. Chances are it wasn't actually exactly like the actual events (or footage). Rather your brain told you it was during the dream, and since you don't remember the dream exactly you don't have anything else to really go on. Or some words to that effect that sound more... psychological.
  8. It's not really a matter of how many hearts you have*. * except for the fact that we'd have to be flying in some fashion to select out people with inferior single-heart cardiac systems to begin with.
  9. My blog is so boring I forgot that I announced its demise and posted in it some more.
  10. The original or the remake? Yay
  11. The average is fixed at 100.
  12. Daedalus is actually quite a good idea - if this ship was meant to be built in the next ten years it would probably use that propulsion system.
  13. Someone hasn't followed the links in the thread
  14. Errr... yeah probably posts now I think about it. It had more than 80 threads though, as I am on "show 40 per page" and it was on its third page.
  15. MrL's quite a large chap.
  16. He would make a highly effective barrier.
  17. OK, maybe I was a bit glib. Put it this way - we compressed the exobiology forum into the evolution forum because it "only" had 320 threads. Why would we make a new forum for a subject which, in 2 years, has had fewer threads than I can count on my hand? Etc.
  18. A new forum for one thread? That's what General Science is for guys.
  19. You should be able to change them to any range (just remember to make sure your firewall is all hip and groovy with it).
  20. Try using different ports, in the 45-46,000 range or something. When you use BitTorrent, or just generally?
  21. /obligatory "This thread is stupid" comment Plenty has changed in humans over the millenia, but to answer this - at the very least - "all of human history" needs to be defined.
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