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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. NTFS allows highly customisable permissions to be applied to profiles, directories and files. Oh, and real stability.
  2. I don't even recall who referred me, just that it was from PAGD.
  3. That's just how French works: its sentence structure is closer to Latin than that of English.
  4. If you want logic, use ISO 8601 which is formatted like this: YYYY-MM-DD.
  5. I would dispute that very strongly. Granted you have not said the word "all", but neither have you said the word "most". You have been talking about the community being in clear consensus. You even said (these are your exact words) "the consensus has been so complete and so clear". You said "They ... are the ones who write the books and publish the papers" - this is, if anything, an inclusive statement. You said "the scientific consensus has declared philosophy irrelevant". If that isn't inclusion I don't know what that is. So don't cry strawman please. Strawman is countering against a deliberately modified argument, not when your opponent argues based on what you said. What makes you think I am confused? The difference between "science" and "what scientists call science" is just as clear in my posts as it is in your own. Again, that is not Strawman. Well, I can see how you would interpret it as that but it was not my intent. Let me put it in a more specific fashion: I do not see how you are linking the rise of post-modernism to the decline in philosophical awareness.
  6. With more sensitive equipment you'd be able to detect it further away, but I imagine there would come a point where it was indistinguishable from other fields.
  7. Can you get BBC News 24 on your cable?
  8. I'd like to know how you know there was a "guy called Noah" (that being the biblical chap and the events that are described as happening around him, not just any guy called Noah, obviously).
  9. With regards to the hand-cam and paper, use black on white and invert the colours on your PC (assuming white paper is cheaper or easier to obtain). With regards to Flash, use the tutorials in the Flash application itself. They are really quite good (Macromedia are great for writing tutorials, not that great for help files.)
  10. STFU and use international date format. mm-dd-yyyy
  11. Because, as I said, they have appeared for domains I control, and I know for a fact there are no favicons stored on those domains and no head attributes that call favicons on any of the pages. I'm sure there is an underlaying pattern to their appearances, I just haven't figured it out yet.
  12. If you are worried about fracturing and so forth, there's no reason it has to be pure water. You could use some gelatinous fluid that enters a highly viscous state as it starts to freeze.
  13. It has nothing to do with balkanisation - that implies that the root cause is inter-discipline hostility. I'm not saying it never happens, but it is not ubiquitous and certainly not the cause of increasing specialisation. It is purely because as time progresses we know about more things, and we know more about those things. Every person simply can't learn every piece of information. Where do you get this stuff? Some scientists in "made a couple of mistakes just like other people do" shocker.
  14. Well then, you'd best seek help now that you've made it public knowledge. 0.9.2 was released the night before I made that warning thread.
  15. The latter would be more useful, but it would take a lot longer. :-/
  16. When someone says "there's no such thing as Philosophy", they're wrong. It doesn't mean all of science has divorced itself from philosophy. I don't see what the destruction of America has to do with this discussion; even as an analogy it's pretty poor. If the axiomatic foundations of science didn't come from philosophy, you might have a point. "Post-modernism is bad" is not an argument.
  17. If the objective is to terraform Venus, then I'd certainly hope so.
  18. Science and philosophy are inextricably linked, and very obviously so. Academic science is steeped in philosophy - there's no getting away from it. You tar all scientists with the same brush because of your experiences on other forums, and base your opinion of this web site on a non-inclusive and erroneous description of a single forum? You clearly haven't put as much thought into this as you'd like to think you have. I think you're just going for the controversy vote.
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