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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Maybe he doesn't think heat shields are particularly relevant to the topic at hand.
  2. Ahhhhh ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa! http://yecheadquarters.org/catalog2.0.html5.0.html
  3. Post #66, obviously.
  4. Oh my god, if you're going to use my arguments pls do it properly
  5. DNA was hardly the best example, what with sitting at the busiest junction between biology, physics and chemistry counties.
  6. Images in sigs are tacky and anti-social. You're just a bad person all round, aren't you.
  7. http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.oneworld.net/penguin/genetics/splicing.html
  8. It was only really "scandalous" in the Victorian era, when it was seen as a convenient way to discredit academic rivals. I'd like to know where you're getting that from, or is it "just your opinion" again? I seem to recall he was bisexual, yes. I don't see why the discussion should not include bisexuality.
  9. I somehow doubt that nasa.gov blast astronauts and sensitive electronic equipment into the solar maelstrom without any protection at all. Anyhoo, there must be a reason they use what they use re: heat shielding. Perhaps there is more info on their web site.
  10. Individuals can't evolve, so that would be a quality of "life" rather than of "something alive".
  11. True, but I doubt the people in Sweden hear the bangs and start reflecting on how hum-drum their lives are.
  12. These threads (seeing as nobody else has linked to them yet) may help: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3503 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3527 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2378 http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1406
  13. I presume by "important" you mean "explosive"?
  14. I'm not sure. I should jolly well hope that some parts of those contraptions block them.
  15. Actually I ought to expand on that: You can give a valid distance between points in the dimensional group 1-4, because we define the first, second and third dimensions as those which describe volume. My assumption is that there is no reason why dimensional groups should have interdependency.
  16. I suspect that JaKiri's "why do they have to be separated by distance" query could be fulfilled quite easily with a model that sees our own universe existing in dimensions 1-4 and another universe existing in dimensions 5-8 (or larger ranges, if need be). The idea of "distance between location X in dimension 2 and location Y in dimension 7", you see, makes no sense - hence the original query.
  17. It's not the quote that is stupid, it's your utterly farcical interpretation of it. You are clearly trolling.
  18. Can it withstand re-entry mechanically, and does it block gamma rays?
  19. Posts #32 and #38 disagree with you. Regardless, you get told by an admin to get back on topic, then you get back on topic. Whining about who took the thread off-topic to begin with won't get you anywhere. Given that "there" is likely to be very, very, very far away, and that detection technology is likely to advance considerably faster than interstellar travel, I disagree.
  20. I asked you to point out EXACTLY where I said or implied that - this means you give me the post number or numbers. Given that all I have been arguing with you is I don't particularly envy you the task. I have already said once that this thread has to get back on topic. I don't intend to allow matters to reach a stage where I have to say it again.
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