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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I am in the habit of saying precisely what I mean to say, and not implying things that I do not believe to be so. Kindly point out exactly where you think I "implied" that life off Earth goes by the same rules as terrestrial life.
  2. Who are you talking to, and what are you talking about? Who are you talking to? If you want to see what happens to probes under extreme pressure, and the steps that are taken to extend the life of such probes, read up on missions to Venus. What does that mean, and who are you talking to? I presume that was directed at me, seeing as I recently mentioned radio waves. If so, you obviously did not (a) read or (b) understand my very simple proposition.
  3. As an example, I'd say that the assumption any sufficiently intelligent species will be communicating using radio waves is a pretty big one. Additionally, our methods for detecting such signals in the first place leave a lot to be desired. It's a big sky.
  4. Yes, there is a vein of users who never had a problem with it. These are usually people who fall into one of the following categories (which can overlap, but don't necessarily have to): Never used a PC before, Don't do anything more complex than mail + office + web, Have over-powered hardware that the salesman convinced them to buy, Have no idea what to expect from an operating system. However you can take it from me, and the other millions of users and sysads who couldn't format it into oblivion fast enough, that it is an abomination.
  5. ME is by far the worst operating system of the past 15 years. DO NOT use it. Windows 98 SE is more stable and more useful.
  6. Please don't fall Corporal Pile, that would break my heart.
  7. I already posted the link earlier: http://www.sophos.com/virusinfo/analyses/w32soberb.html Recovery instructions are near the end of the page.
  8. My only problem here is that you expressed those opinions AS IF they were fact.
  9. "is that it?" Find me another forum that even has this facility - I think you'll find it's a world first. The pics (including the bubble's actual structure) are all on my server for the moment. When I have a second today (hah) I'll be adding a couple more.
  10. Like Jordan said, until it is observed in some way it is "imaginary", no matter how likely it is. What about them? They aren't imaginary because we observed them. To be honest the life around deep sea vents isn't that alien, and the conditions are not "utterly hostile" despite how the tabloids might interpret the data. That's not true. Once again, nobody has ****ing said that. Read the thread again NOW before something bad happens. So? That's fairly self-evident and doesn't add anything to the discussion either way. This thread will get back on topic now.
  11. Use one of these as the attribute of the tag: bender cartman gir hitler homer jesus zim zoidberg
  12. Only if it is moving across a potential gradient.
  13. I fail to see how that does your position any good.
  14. This is what I meant about support != correct implementation in that PAGD thread with Leshy. Back to the code I go...
  15. I wonder why he didn't mention that? This basic concept of knowledge-dependency was exactly what first made me think "hang on a minute... this guy is sounding a bit like a zealot". It's all very well going around telling people how great and easy something is, but advising them on the prerequisites might be a nice caveat.
  16. Finally, welcome back. I understand it's easy to do that under Mac, but for the reason you gave it's no more difficult to do it under Linux. I'm saying that "Mac can do the same things as Linux", on its own, probably wont make people want to rush out and buy a new (and in most cases, alien to them) system. Not that I have anything against Macs, as you know.
  17. Or use better tools for free. Whichever.
  18. Nevertheless, the Q are a non-humanoid species.
  19. You mean that article? It's not in any way objective. He's talking about his preferences, and loading the discussion to justify it (exaggerating the ease with which a Mac can be made to do X, and downplaying the favourable attributes of Linux). He points out that BSD, Linux etc have the same open-source software that he has got working on Mac, but offers no reason as to why anyone should shell out $2000 for new hardware and a new OS when they already have those progs running on their box. He uses false dilemma liberally (such as "if you want support with Mandrake, you have to pay $40", which is true as a flat fact but only if you are using the Mandrake "donate and get extras" community instead of one of the thousands of other support sites, so the point is moot). He says: All that shows is that people are lazy. If you sell your PC and buy a Mac, you will be spending about $1400 (assuming you got a good price for your PC). That's quite an incentive to not give up learning about it, whreas a Windows -> *nix convert has the option of rolling back (or, more likely than not, changing bootloader sequence again) at any time. I don't know many people who have the option of dropping everything to learn a new OS, even if the OS they need to learn is more suited to the work they want to do with it.
  20. It's the worm that creates the "spooler.exe" process you were asking about, like I said in post #6. If you are seeing that process, chances are your PC is infected with Sober-B.
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