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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Yes, I agree that there is certainly an element of over-selling the virtues of certain products and foodstuffs. That is not in dispute. What I am saying is that you should not over-compensate by throwing out the baby with the bathwater, and certainly not to the point where you are encouraging people to not diversify their diets. If anything, that is the dangerous suggestion. If you wish to make a thread about the strange state of swindling in the supplementary foods industry I am sure that would be a very interesting discussion, and I'll certainly have a few choice words to contribute about supplements companies! But I don't think it should feature as a particularly prominent objection in this thread seeing as the topic is the benefits of flax seeds and you have already stated that it's important "to get a wide variety of fruit, veges, oils, and seeds, along with a little animal protein and foods with starch and fibre." An interesting side note about evening primrose oil - used topically on eczema it has an amazingly calming effect on the skin. Not a lot of people seem to know this, which is odd since it has been around for ages. Nothing to do with diet though
  2. It is not in the slightest bit "dangerous". How much time and money a person spends on choosing different foods is a product of their own personal decisions, and the degree to which that is money/time well spent will be a reflection of how much research they bother doing on (a) what their body needs and (b) the best value sources for what they wish to buy. The simple fact that some businesses have quite shockingly set out to turn a profit in a capitalist market does not in any way magically alter the human body's nutritional requirements. That is not what I said.
  3. They don't. What violation is that? If you suspect someone is in breach of the rules use the "report post" function rather than asking the person to report themselves.
  4. The trend of average life expectancy says otherwise, as do the various human remains found which nutritional pathologists can identify as being afflicted with a battery of dietary deficiencies. I am concerned that ITT you seem to be substituting your own opinion in lieu of an appraisal of the extensive research that has been done in this area. This paper provides some interesting points to consider: http://journals.royalsociety.org/content/433422kur62024h5/ It also cites many other papers which provide an excellent cross-sectional view of the body of work in the nutritional pathology arena, should you wish to seek those out as well. You are mostly right when you suggest that proper nutrition is not complicated, but you neglect to point out the very well-established concern that this only holds true on short time lines. It's not by any accident that diagnoses of long-term deficiencies of micronutrients are more commonly made for the elderly. We are fortunate that most of our dietary requirements are easily fulfilled and that those nutrients that are hard to come by are only generally needed by our bodies in tiny amounts, but that doesn't mean that we can ignore them without ill effect.
  5. Gustafson, you mind find this thread useful: LaTex tutorial.
  6. It's 250F to -250F according to that link you posted. That is 121C to -157C.
  7. In that case cranberry would be compulsory.
  8. Brie. Tell them brie and pickle is insanity - brie and grape is the only way forward. Possibly also cranberry.
  9. Ffs. This is a dead issue. Read the threads about the P&R forum closure and what can and can't be discussed, which were posted three years ago.
  10. By "find" do you mean reading newspaper or online articles with headlines like "Hundreds remain employed after taxes paid in timely fashion" and "Scandal of domestic staff working lawfully"?
  11. Just to clarify as to why there may be confusion in this thread: race and ethnicity are not the same thing.
  12. I would hardly call your posting style "humble", boywonder. Learn from mistakes or repeat them - those are pretty much all of your options.
  13. That's a change for the VB team to implement, not us. I suspect they have never bothered because 99.9999943% of people use linear view.
  14. The decision was made to close the P&R forum over three years ago. I would have thought people might have gotten over it by now. It's fairly self-evident that if you want to discuss theological issues, there are much better places to do it.
  15. I have moved this thread out of the dustbin and in to GD to show people how not to go about airing disgruntlement on the forums. We issue sanctions against members who are abusive to other members, so it should come as no surprise to find that we also issue sanctions against members who are abusive to staff. No. Mokele's JUDGEMENT as to whether or not posts break the rules is why he is a moderator. What you are asking for is either (i) a special status, or (ii) anarchy. Neither particularly appeal. When you come back from your enforced vacation Norman, please bear in mind that tenure on these forums does not grant immunity to censure. The staff here work hard for no pay to make this community the way it is and they do not deserve to be abused for their troubles.
  16. I really don't think that you requiring an explanation for a proposition which is dubious at best is quite sufficient cause to make claims about a space and existence theory.
  17. Off-topic trolling deleted and thread replaced in Genetics forum.
  18. As entitled as you are to your opinion, it contradicts the observable evidence.
  19. The machine will run on chicken McNuggets.
  20. I accidentally missed a bit of the code out which is now fixed. You can grab the video ID from either the video URL or the EMBED code and either will work (for they are the same ID). I can't see an easier way of doing it unfortunately.
  21. But that's partly by design. If we set our minds on making a building that would last thousands of years, we'd be able to surpass the pyramids with relative ease.
  22. That one with the guy who wanted to taste chemicals was a bit scary.
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