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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. No Cap'n, it doesn't help because you don't provide any clues that you know what you're talking about. You know, like links to papers on the nature of the universe, models of multiverses, reputable physicists who make this subject their entire lives... that sort of thing.
  2. The "might" and the "could" in there are already precluded by our current solution. I think you're whoring this.
  3. Not the best example, as distance relies on available routes.
  4. Most reasonable people don't consider posts like this to be comedy.
  5. Evidence? Or at the very least, reasoning? Santa position. Lack of evidence for is not evidence against. Except tachyons, which don't have a positive or zero rest mass.
  6. So are you saying that relativity is wrong or right?
  7. What will that show? I'm not saying that bad justice never occurs, just that it's a poor show to go around suggesting we toss due process to the wind before we have even started. You're asking for past examples, when there's a major one going on right now?
  8. By the way, "today" as an attribute of the INS tag will be wrong by tomorrow. [acr=Reply Not Required]RNR[/acr]
  9. Right. Well, my point was that the trauma of that is not related to the sexuality of either person.
  10. The only thing he has to explain is what the expansion of the universe has to do with dark energy, seeing as there's no obvious connection between the thread title and content.
  11. Adam wasn't banned on a whim, he was blocked from accesing the forum because of the poor image he was creating for us. This poll is fairly meaningless.
  12. With the exception of the spoiler tag, which is actually useful, all the BB I have added are the typographical functions from the HTML specification that VB has not implemented. I don't see any reason to add a sarcasm tag when the smiley does the job just fine.
  13. "The law is reason, free from passion." -- Aristotle In other words the reason we have law at all is so that we bring the same sanctions against the same crimes, and not cherry-pick punishments based on how much or how little we "like" the defendant. That's very true - most of the other dictators are far, far worse. Re: my Pol Pot comment, which absolutely nobody seemed to get (possibly because society in general has deemed that abject failing as 'forgettable').
  14. So? Things don't just start existing when you first encounter them. Stop spamming.
  15. DAMN! I could have used the acronym tag for comedy effect. It's hardly new.
  16. "Unless a homosexual advance is forced upon you, what is there to fear? You can always say no." A forced advance is not really anything to fear. A forced act can certainly be feared, irrespective of the victim's sexuality. [edit] I just realised the "unless" was in there, so presumably you meant forced act?
  17. It's just an example of the idiot effect.
  18. Discussion. The same as any other thread. That appears to be a proposal for a study. However, the bibliography does look like interesting reading. Direct link to the tests index: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/demo/selectatest.html My test came up "inconclusive". I am going to do it again... Could you explain what you mean by the "Anglo mindset"? Oh I agree. I cba arguing the toss because I think he's convinced himself fairly well by now.
  19. No, he's talking about spciety realising that homosexual love exists, not whether it exists per se. That does mean ignoring the classical civilisations, and shushing up the Victorians and preceding societies even more though...
  20. I can never tell if you are being tongue-in-cheek
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