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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. We're just making the best of having a ninja monkey in charge. You lot elected yours.
  2. On Rob D's website, there's a flash player with the whole Furious Angels album on it
  3. Afaik you can rate again, but you don't get "two votes" - it changes the vote you originally cast.
  4. Oh yeah - FA was the fight with the Smith Legion.
  5. Clubbed to Death Furious Angels
  6. President Bush Assassinated! Saddam Hussein Escapes Prison! Evolution Disproved! Religion Killed by Science! Physics is 'all Wrong' says Pope! Football Banned in France! [hide]None of the above are true, I'm just conducting an experiment in search engine gullibility.[/hide]
  7. I liked it when they used "Kung Fu" as the theme on a primetime Sky 1 trailer, and they left the angry sexually-graphic lyrics in!
  8. Let me refine further. The discussions of terrorists and space elevators I have seen included concerns that referred specifically to attacks on the tether - damaging or destroying the expensive and critical support system, not using a lift car to attack something with.
  9. I can't stop listening to Rob Dougan. http://www.robdougan.com - the first album is on there free, to get you hooked on the hard stuff.
  10. We are just a bit over three quarters of a million thread views
  11. If it's not done in a uniform fashion, it defeats the purpose of doing it at all.
  12. When you said "there was also a comment about it being a prime target for terrorists ", I assumed you meant as the target of sabotage. Are we talking about the same thing here?
  13. Space elevators won't be used for planetary mass transit. Rather than a transport system in their own right, they will be used to support - and assist in the construction of - other systems.
  14. You can order threads in a forum by thread rating (or any column in fact) by clicking on the heading.
  15. I don't think lightning would be a big problem tbh. Certainly not compared to terrorist threats (although the Channel Tunnel was derided as the world's biggest target before it was opened, and it has never been attacked.)
  16. Sayonara

    Iraq Handover

    The problem often isn't actually that people don't know all the details; it's that they look at the situation in terms of what they themselves would do/think/say. When you are talking about another culture that has a different societal structure of course, that just can't apply.
  17. He could have just asked to have his username changed, but he created a second account instead. First account was therefore deleted.
  18. I think the satellite would be a lot worse off
  19. They're car enthusiasts, not international law, terms of service and indemnification experts
  20. Actually you aren't necessarily covered if you buy on eBay.
  21. The cabling will have to withstand radiation, high temperatures, acid vapours in the atmosphere, and possible impacts with micrometeors, debris or even orbital devices like satellites. And of course the mechanical stresses of remaining in place and carrying the cars themselves.
  22. Someone from Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. Or maybe a triumvirate made up of Commonwealth leaders. Or one of the other 6 billion inhabitants of the Earth who aren't you
  23. See, it's all fun and games mocking the UK for having a monarchy. Then one day you're planning what you're going to do when you're finally king, and it hits you. You never will be. Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh ha ha ha ha haaaaaaa!
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