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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Oh good, another thread for shameless spamming. Thanks Phi. As of this reply, at least three other people must post between your own replies. EG - if Tesseract adds a section of story, he cannot make another until three other people have replied.
  2. Sayonara

    Lab Pictures

    Well, now we know where to aim the Trident missiles when you start to release wave after wave of mutant ninja robot monkeys dressed as clowns.
  3. GCSE is a General Certificate of Secondary Education, two-year courses sat by all 15-17 yr olds in the UK.
  4. Sayonara

    GMail invite

    Don't have any, sorry :-/
  5. Does anyone know about the conditions and mechanisms that would be involved in the formation and duration of a nuclear winter, of the kind caused by a massive impact? I am not interested in supposition, I am interested in things like: - Relationship between impact force and period taken for dust to fill the atmosphere, - Relationship between impact force and mass of dust/debris lifted, - The mass of dust required to block out all light from the sun, - Any information related to dissipation of the dust, - Information on surface and atmospheric conditions, E.G. how fast does the surface temperature of the planet drop, does convection in the upper atmosphere cause turbulence and electrical storms, how far does UV penetrate, etc.
  6. My monitor at home runs at 1600*1200 at (iirc) 76Hz. I still want it to go higher.
  7. Sayonara

    Lab Pictures

    Tesseract recently denied living on a military base in Antarctica and asked the pursuant what made them think that he did.
  8. Apparently it's a web site that doesn't allow image leaching. That sounds so simple and obvious, and yet the thread I posted in my previous reply seemed to be devoted to figuring out which gender was 'best'.
  9. That's not hard, what with Outlook Express being the worst e-mail client available I am impressed with the latest build of Thunderbird :thumbsup: Completely painless and super-fast import of Outlook 2003 settings and mail was a shocker. Intelligent junk capturing and HTML sanitisation was the icing on the cake.
  10. You don't need a hotmail or MSN address to make a Passport account. That's sort of the point.
  11. Assuming they know what they are doing, or can get the right information, most people choose an O/S that is appropriate for what they want to do with it.
  12. There could be any number of reasons. - They may be developers for that platform - They may work exclusively with BSD and not have time for another O/S - They could be a bit too geeky ...etc
  13. Resistance is a force working against the force that you are exerting on the pole. Whether you compensate to push the pole at the same rate or not, there is still force involved that has come from nowhere.
  14. Why would the rate of progress of time affect the force required to move the stick? Surely it just means that it is travelling relatively faster in the slow time zone.
  15. Sayonara

    Sasser Virus!

    McAffee is more for network solutions now. Sophos has one installer with a choice of two deployment options: one for central deployment on a network, and one for installing to a single workstation (i.e. - your PC). It runs a thing called "intercheck client" from your system tray, essentially a very resource-light mini scanner, which checks files as they are accessed. You can also launch the full "Sophos Antivirus" application and configure immediate or scheduled jobs. It gives you plenty of options for configuring the thoroughness of scans, type of response to infections etc. When you download Sophos, you also need to download any IDEs released since the client was released, then subscribe to their Virus Notification mailing list. They send you links to IDE files for new virus (typically before they are spotted "in the wild"), which you simply save to the Sophos installation directory. The next time the intercheck client starts it will register and use them. If you have the network installation running, you can deploy new IDEs centrally. Also you can use tools that Sophos provide to auto-update. The only disadvantage with Sophos is that every 4 months the client is upgraded and new IDEs will not work with the last version. That means you need to download it 3 times a year (unless you buy the license of course), but it's worth the minor hassle for a free industry-leading application.
  16. The problem with rolling back to an older verison of the database is that we won't remember making a good deal of the missing posts, so won't notice they are missing
  17. As far as I know you can't. Seeing as most MSN portals are designed to break with non-IE browsers though it's probably something that's best to just put up with. I get around it by never allowing my hotmail address to be used for mail.
  18. Can't you get a 3 month free trial for both?
  19. Tesseract + Gentoo install = comedy potential.
  20. Threads is devastatingly frank. Not a pleasant film, but very informative.
  21. Give IE the heave-ho. Install Mozilla Firefox 0.9 with the AdBlock and All-in-one Mouse Gestures extensions.
  22. Isn't that malware? Run Ad-Aware or S:S&D.
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