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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I'm sure many will, but only due to advanced techniques that are not available to the majority of the world's population. Remember the poll option is higher average lifespan, not higher peak lifespan.
  2. Around 60 of those will have been search bots. They visit regularly - if they're from a big name like google, they arrive in packs. This has come up before. People tend to forget these things though unfortunately, and expecting new members to read every guide or policy when they sign up is quite silly because as we all know it never happens. The moderators usually deal with mis-placed threads quite quickly, so I'm not sure this is a big problem. Usually if people aren't sure they will post in "General Science", and if there's an obvious category for that thread it will be moved quite quickly.
  3. I downloaded the latest build of that today, so I'll let you know when I have given it a whirl. Also got the new builds of M and firefox - that web developer plugin for firefox is fkin delicious.
  4. I was going to suggest a twin site, sciencefiction.net, but it seems to be regged already. So is scififorums.net.
  5. The idea has been booted around a bit as a reward for referrals (5 or more I think it was) and donations.
  6. Sayonara


    Not true. In fact, generally the reverse is the case.
  7. How about "Dark Life" or "Exotic Life"? Those seemed to work out alright in physics.
  8. Added "other" for you unclassifiable freaks.
  9. Phobos has an average diameter of 22Km - I think not undertaking muscle-powered flight would be quite hard work.
  10. No, these aren't assumptions. I'm talking about mapped impact sites that could have been responsible for the end of the Dinos, hence the word "candidates". A recent idea is that the K-T impact was the "straw that broke the camel's back", because the Chicxulub impact had already placed significant stress on the ecosphere for 300,000 years. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3520837.stm There has been some more recent damage to the "dinos survived K-T impact" theory as well: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3458651.stm
  11. No, you don't understand. They could easily have aligned the pyramids with absolute accuracy but chose not to, which would suggest that they aren't supposed to be a reflection of celestial order. [edit] Also bear in mind they were built at different times, by different people, who were honouring themselves.
  12. Tell him to figure it out from first principles and scientific research instead of mindlessly parroting the largely incorrect bullshit that people think the web needs to be filled with.
  13. Conveniently I already have a list: http://www.armadawars.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=232
  14. If you refer to the Cheops and Giza pyramids, no they don't - they are off by considerably more than the known limits of Egyptian accuracy would suggest they should be.
  15. Oh I see what you mean. Use Latex for that.
  16. Use the sub and sup tags - quote this message to see them inaction.
  17. Sayonara


    Depends who "they" is. Any software publisher could press charges, and since it's a crime that probably means fines and a criminal record, possibly jail, equipment confiscation, and ban terms. The FAST would probably only press charges if they believed the pirate to be a distributor. Comforting to know the world does not yet belong to the self-confessed teenaged "hackers"*. * Especially since most of them don't know what a hacker actually is.
  18. Sayonara


    I like the way he's trying to be a security consultant now people have started realising he is not magical.
  19. No, not like that. Those are just files embedded in the page using the OBJECT tag. Streaming media is not served in the same way as static files - it is provided from a media mount point on the host server.
  20. I think he means streaming formats such as .asf Afaik they can't be 'downloaded' as such, but there must be a way to rip the stream as it were.
  21. Not quite the same topic, but there is some info here that may help: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2727
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