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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. The specs for that card claim that it runs at the same speed as a USB2 bus. See if you can find any independent benchmark tests for it.
  2. You're best off getting a router (preferably with onboard intrusion detection and firewall) to distribute the connection between the PCs (like a hub would on a closed network). That will allow each PC to access both the net and each other. Afaik XP has a networking wizard. I don't know what the issues are with XP <-> 98 connectivity but I'll bet there are plenty of help resources devoted to that on the Windows tech site.
  3. Muah ha haaaa. Motherboards are dirt cheap right now
  4. Awwww... I wanted him to ask me if his motherboard supported USB 2 Anyway, a caution from that page:
  5. Oh yeah, and the maximum RAM you can have depends on what the motherboard supports, rather than how many slots you have.
  6. 512Mb is the capacity of the memory, not the speed. You can have any size memory stick in any memory slot, but they need to be the same speed (EG PC2100, PC2700, or PC3200). DDR is "double data rate" - it's probably not a good plan to mix DDR with other types. Example: You could have a 512Mb, a 256Mb and a 128Mb DDR stick in each of three slots, as long as they were all the same speed.
  7. The first thing to do is to find out if your motherboard will support USB 2 hardware.
  8. I found this quite funny: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/arts/3810193.stm If you haven't read the book, it won't mean very much. But if you have it's the perfect companion text
  9. Sayonara


    I didn't realise your plan was to trick him into being arrested. Carry on.
  10. Sayonara


    I don't think that's very funny. With the number of threats to the safe ownership of private information at the moment encouraging that kind of lack of respect for boundaries is pretty irresponsible. With a key logger deployed on the school network, he'd have access to any personal details typed in by faculty staff (be it their online banking details, or confidential information about other students), academic systems passwords, school requisitions data and so on. "It's not big and it's not clever" springs to mind, especially considering the apparent surprise at being caught. Network Administrators in "know what they're doing better than the script kiddie" shocker shouldn't really come as a great shock to anyone.
  11. You can install them alongside each other but make sure they are the same speed, otherwise you will have performance issues and long-term use would damage the memory hardware.
  12. Sayonara


    You must have known at the time that you were making unauthorised and possibly harmful (whether intentional or not) changes to somebody else's system, so you shouldn't be too surprised that there are consequences. Then there's the fact that you were trying to log strokes from everyone and have the information sent to you, which won't fill the people around you with confidence that you can be trusted near any machine ever again (as well as being a massive invasion of privacy and probably a breach of your school's information security policies, which I guarantee you they will have). Wtf did you think would happen?
  13. There was a rubbery fibre shown on Tomorrow's World a while ago that contracted and expanded when exposed to acids and alkalis respectively (or possibly vice-versa). That was supposed to be the next big step in artificial muscles, but as usual it seemed to suffer the kiss-of-death effect from appearing on that program.
  14. If you haven't done either before, you will find Flash quite similar to Basic Director. However due to the intentions behind each product the similarities will end very quickly, and Flash will be the one that actually still makes sense after the first hour. Flash began as a simple vector animation tool and grew up into a full animation and application package. However essentially it's still only a means of combining SVG (scalable vector graphics) with interpreted scripts (ActionScript). Director is Macromedia's attempt to put an adult face on Flash and try to make the product more appealing to "proper" programmers. It uses a complete language called Lingo which is an absolute nightmare for the beginner.
  15. Doesn't that tell you something? Mandrake is a full-fledged operating system which ships with 3 out-of-the-box web servers, 2 database solutions and an absolutely huge raft of productivity, development and programming applications. And yet SOMEHOW Windows XP - which ships "as is" - manages to be bigger. Could it be because nobody at Microsoft still knows what everything does, and half the code in XP is doing nothing at all?
  16. I used an Excel sheet to work it out visually Only found 1 solution (well, four really as you can get different orders if you rotate it about the board) out of a possible 92 though. Not that this has anything to do with the maths issue ofc.
  17. Last month I was considering buying a 120 for £60, so yeah that's pretty good. Where did you find that? 512Mb costs about £25 - £60 now depending on the speed and type. It's probably worth buying it now because the price of memory changes all the time, and it's currently at a low. There are always memory-hungry applications just around the corner.
  18. The record in the original post was beaten recently. Tabling the motion we change the title of the thread to "Larger Prime Number Found", so it's always topical
  19. AtomicMX, do you mean "physicist", as in one who studies physics?
  20. What with this being the ethics thread, I'd love to know why those are the "correct" answers.
  21. Exactly, I mean the fact we're considering time travel at all implies that time has dimensionality, just like the x y z axes.
  22. Ahhh I'm with you now. I don't recall the specific Enterprise episode you are talking about, but I get the scenario you mean. Errrrr... right. The matter can be in period A1->A2 because while it is there it is "missing" from period B1->B2 and the net total matter in the universe remains constant.
  23. But the ships in "Yesterday's Enterprise" were the NCC-1701-C and NCC-1701-D respectively, two completely different ships. Unless you are talking about the Enterprise-D duplicates from "Parallels", which were all from different universes. [edit] Was it Enterprise, or TNG? I confused myself.
  24. Like 5614 said, the effect would be that of the matter/energy being destroyed in time frame A and recreated in time frame B, so there is no net difference and the prescription of which matter/energy is moved is self-determining.
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