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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. If time travel is possible, it could follow that the universe is a closed system with a fixed "volume" of energy/matter, so the quick answer would be "it would not matter" (pun not intentional).
  2. (It's somewhat moot anyway, seeing as the majority of atoms in the body change location and parent structure all the time).
  3. Does anyone here have BIDS access?
  4. What do you consider to be moving the original? If it's "turning atoms into energy then recombining the energy into atoms again", then that is a process of duplication and destruction. Unless of course you can suggest a way to tag every "bit" of energy so that it is recreated as the 'correct' component of the 'correct' atom in the 'correct' place.
  5. By the way, does "end of the world" mean the end of human civilisation, the destruction of the planet, or something else?
  6. Try looking for histological-immunological resources.
  7. There's a link to that tale in the news forum.
  8. Armageddon is a place, not an event.
  9. Stop being such a gullible ponce. That so-called "word" is just a bunch of butchered Anglo-Latin and Anglo-Greek transitionals that are bolted together in a way that makes no sense. A cursory glance reveals the following: ORNI - pertaining to winged flight BIBLIO - pertaining to books PSYCHO - of the mind METERO - of or pertaining to the atmosphere AUSTRO - Austro-Asiatic, from the Latin auster (south) HIERO - sacred or holy, pertaining to hierology, from the Greek hieros (holy) ANTHROPO - pertaining to anthropometry, humanity ICHTHYO - of fish, from the Greek ikhthuo (fish) PYRO - pertaining to fire ...and so on. Also I note a couple of duplications in there.
  10. That's not a great answer to the whole question of "is torture ethical", now is it? "A few liberal do-gooders" my ass. Iirc sodium pentathol is quite over-rated.
  11. There's a good chance you got infected because your windows install is vulnerable. To windows update with you!
  12. I'm guessing he has a shorter word that actually exists.
  13. My assumption is that something bad is going to happen, so if it were me I'd back up my documents, configs (such as .ini files associated with the settings of software I use a lot - WS_FTP folders, DreamWeaver sites, Command & Conquer preferences etc), bookmarks and so on, then reinstall. Assuming I couldn't fix the problem of course. If it is an ubernasty, there's a good chance it disabled part of Norton when it first ran. Try suspending Norton and using a fresh install of a different A/V.
  14. If you want to add the pic, you'll have to lose some of the filesize. If you're being told it exceeds your quota, that basically means it's too big.
  15. :coolio: (assuming that's percent)
  16. You are probably playing host to an ubernasty. I suggest you archive all your documents and configs to another hard drive or DVD/CD ROM.
  17. I thought it was just something to do with changing the SHC of the water?
  18. Are you sure about that?
  19. I was looking through GD from the beginning today, and came across this: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2306 One of my fave threads from GD Which is your favourite?
  20. Almost a year later we have crawled to 676,564th place. Go team us!
  21. I'm not sure but I'll bet there's a vast abundance of similar questions under discussion on photography forums.
  22. I fry courgettes - much nicer But other than that, "yes".
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