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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I'll take that as a yes. Software: http://www.vcdeasy.org/ Guide: http://www.videohelp.com/guides.php?link=169
  2. In this case, the missing dollar is an invisible user.
  3. If I tell you, do you promise not to bombard us with questions about how to use it?
  4. I noticed the "most users online" thing was refreshing to the current time with every page load as well.
  5. There's really no point trying to force a non-Mac operating system to run on a Mac. Why would anyone want to do that? That's like buying a high-end car, removing the engine, and forcing in another engine that isn't completely compatible and runs better in the cheaper car it's meant to be inside.
  6. There were some threads and posts lost due to a server move
  7. I'm thinking it probably takes more energy than 1:1 annihilation can provide to make 1 atom of anti-hydrogen. A lot more.
  8. Thought things were a bit weird and quiet. Have some posts just been restored?
  9. ...what did you want to be when you "grew up"? For those already on the career path, are you headed where you wanted to go? For those who are perhaps still undecided or still at school, do you think your childhood dreams were childish and silly, or are you determined to make it happen?
  10. Which fields do you need to invert? Those that make up "you"? Yourself and the machine? The entire universe?
  11. Having studied biology for a good number of years and earning my degree in that subject' date=' I think we can take it for granted that I don't need you to tell me what is involved in the biological disciplines. Tell all. No, I don't think so. I think it's more likely they come from you not knowing enough about biology to come to accurate conclusions. Anything will seem subjective if you don't have the information you need to objectively evaluate it.
  12. Additionally, if you are so worried by subjectivity, would it not be a good idea to tell us what attributes you think qualify a discipline as a "science"?
  13. Most people archive files that won't change to CD - they don't use them as temporary storage. That's what rewritables, Hard drives and ZIP are for.
  14. No offence intended, but you are clearly speaking from ignorance. 90% of biology is maths. The other 10% is some of the most rigorous peer review you will ever see. If you think physicists all have the same point of view on the subject you have been grossly misled somewhere. Somewhat pointless, since there are plenty of threads on the subject already that do not start with a completely biased point of view. Also my point was that you ought to understand what the currently accepted definition of life is before starting a thread about whether or not it applies to computers; and you clearly do not. I have already responded to one of your challenges.
  15. Errr... isn't the tilt of the axis 23 degrees on average? Iirc the swing of the planet in its axis is what causes the seasons.
  16. Show me empirical evidence that rats have an emotional response to anything. I agree with you - humans are very short-sighted. But you haven't answered my question, and how humans choose to arrange their society has nothing to do with the debate on animal testing.
  17. You COULD try using rewritable CDs.
  18. I have never had a failed CD. Ever.
  19. That doesn't justify making unevidenced claims such as "rats know when they are going to die and that makes them suffer", "searching for food is entertainment value for rats", "killing a rat that has 'bonded' with another causes suffering", and so on. Humans exploit other species to preserve or better our own. That's not exactly a world removed from any other 'natural' interaction between species. Why don't you go and complain to the rats about the suffering they cause?
  20. You didn't ask if humans were "better", you asked what makes us "so special". Since you didn't say in what way, I wouldn't expect a specific answer.
  21. Also, you have this all back to front. If an artificial form fulfills all the provisions of our definition of life, we would consider it life. We woudn't complain that the definition was "wrong".
  22. Can you explain what that means? You should probably have checked that before you made the other thread. No. No, it proves you didn't think it through.
  23. Computers are not considered life. What you're saying is that we could design one that is, although I think we're a long way off from that. Even if we had that technological ability, creating such a computer would not mean we then had to consider all other computers as life forms.
  24. Don't be sad - 93 is a pretty good run for anyone. AND he got to be President of the United States of America. Go Ronald.
  25. This had better not be one of those "I don't know stuff therefore nobody else possibly can" threads. God I hate those.
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