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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Sayonara

    Big Brother 5

    Misery likes company?
  2. There was definitely something. There are plenty of extinctions that line up with evidence of pole shifts, but I don't remember the source for that. I read it years ago.
  3. HYPERBUMP! Turns out it was more like 750,000 years ago last time the poles flipped. Can't remember what it was that happened 30k years ago but it was something spiffy.
  4. Sayonara


    OK, time for this to end. Anyone itching to make a reply, read the whole thread and you're 90% guaranteed to see the same point has been made already. Twice. With brass knobs on.
  5. Not when you take away manufacturing, packaging and transport costs, no.
  6. Sayonara

    Big Brother 5

    Ah ha haaaa ha ha haaaaaaaa hah haaaah! Ahem. Some people think so. Unfortunately, that's enough of a 'some' to make it worth doing again and again and again.
  7. He means it's not an alternative source of energy compared to current methods of generation - it's more like a means of moving petrochemicals around without using petrochemicals. For governments, it's a relatively easy way to look like you're investing in cleaner fuels, even though what you are actually promoting is a cleaner engine. Ultimately the by-products are the same (or worse, considering the manufacture and transport costs for fuel cells.)
  8. Well, pretty much everything organic gets re-assimilated by some other consumer eventually, so the question that will most affect the 'validity' of any chain we can come up with is: "How much of an organism's mass has to pass on to the next trophic level before we consider the chain to be broken?" This is of course assuming we consider each trophic level to be a link in the chain, rather than counting all consumers in the web.
  9. If he keeps doing it he will be. Re: the drawing board; I disagree. I think this guy needs to learn about spelling and sentence construction before he starts thinking about ways to solve non-problems
  10. Depends whether or not the locals stake him out near some ant hills.
  11. I'm fairly certain a robot is defined as being "a machine that repeatedly performs the same task". Or that could be automaton
  12. http://www.overclockers.com
  13. Some quite interesting articles on it on this site too
  14. Oh right, his entire post. You don't understand how the postal system works maybe? Or perhaps it's that you've never heard of jury service?
  15. Yeah, real funny. Which bit don't you understand? Looked pretty self-explanatory to me.
  16. Ego is not the same as arrogance, and even if it did he wasn't talking about the collective ego of animal rights activists. [edit] I can't leave you people alone for 5 minutes...
  17. Evolution isn't a single theory, so I don't see how you can say it is "fatally flawed". Better explanation of your position please.
  18. Yes. The not-so-indomitable gauls.
  19. At home I block everything 3rd party (cookies, images etc) while browsing SFN anyway. Go go super Mozilla-based browser action!
  20. Sayonara


    Sounds easy right? WRONG! The breathaliser test involves seeing if you can breathe after being run over with a petrol-driven soil aerator
  21. Sayonara


    YT's birthday parties mean surprises for the guests...
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