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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. No' date=' I find your implication that we should be pro-American to be racist. I thought I indicated that quite well in the following lines. And my rebuttal still stands. Sorry' date=' I didn't realise Saddam still needed removing? See above where we got ahead of that and began discussing who would police the power changeover in Iraq if the UK and USA withdrew. Don't worry we'll give you time to catch up. Seeing as the USA and UK were responsible for installing Saddam and ramifying his position in the first place, we could debate the veracity of calling his removal "moral" for hours. I think we'd probably end up coming to the conclusion that is more "moral responsibility", and would never make up for us putting him there in the first place. If you're lumping people in the "anti-American" category just because they don't share the views of the Bush administration, and somebody takes issue with you doing this, I don't see what relevance your own nationality has. [edit] Dammit you added more stuff. True. But if we weren't there now - and we shouldn't be - they would have no opportunity to act. Also you might consider that most people are appalled not because they see the abuse as being representative of American intentions in Iraq, but because it happened at all.
  2. No it's not me AH HA HA HAAAAAA Seriously though, iirc Navajo is a guy.
  3. HTML is the markup language behind all webpages. See this webpage you're looking at? Virtually all of the structure is produced by your browser reading HTML. The most common security risk is that javascript or vbscript can easily be embedded in HTML to redirect visitors to other sites (which could be anything), write or read cookies, or run malicious commands on your pc.
  4. That has nothing to do with how the UK and the USA ought to conduct themselves. "If Jimmy can punch Freddy in the face it's ok for me to pinch Susan" ought to be left in the playground where it belongs. Not only do I find that comment to be racist, but you are also disregarding the fact that the people you are so quick to label as "anti-americans" are arguing from a moral and/or ethical standpoint. You might also have bothered to look at where people come from, and you'd notice that a lot of us have no reason to be either pro- or anti-American. Hey guess what - the world does not revolve around the USA, and it's perfectly possible to have opinions on things without being bundled into the patriot or terrorist boxes.
  5. Tbh, 'Gaia' is for people who can't be bothered to study ecology.
  6. That doesn't really answer my point, does it? By that token the explanation you gave in reply #54 would be a weak argument from an insignificant fringe.
  7. But it would be easier and cheaper to avoid cloning in eugenics. A society that wants to create a super race and would use 'evil' cloning to get there is not going to have many issues with forced breeding programs.
  8. The US administration was handing out contracts for rebuilding Iraq to US companies before the invasion even began.
  9. There is absolutely no reason why the stabilisation of Iraq cannot be carried out by Italian, Australian and French troops. The UK and the USA forces need to realise that they have outstayed their welcome.
  10. Ahhhh, I see why you're confused. I meant sell the original tapes.
  11. Albert: Please be more patient waiting for replies. Coming online every 4 hours to post "anybody?" is getting quite irritating.
  12. Gah! Vol 2 is not out until August http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00026L8NK/qid=1085252405/sr=8-2/ref=pd_ka_2/002-7012855-7424019?v=glance&s=dvd&n=507846
  13. Making a backup of material you own is legal in the UK and the US.
  14. Yeah same here, I have about 2/3 of it on VHS I may stream them to my HD and then sell them.
  15. Because, being dangerously over-active on the site, I'm usually the one who bitch-slaps the bad people.
  16. It was out 2003 I think... it got yanked because it was too expensive compared to the audience ratings. http://www.geocities.com/apollorider/girborn.avi <- birth of Gir
  17. Gir > * Region 2 is the UK and Europe version. No idea when the rest of them are out. I have every episode on my hard drive but to be honest I'd prefer DVD quality, with extras, and then I can free up the space
  18. So this is now the Invader Zim thread? Well OK http://roomwithamoose.com/ <- that's quite a good site.
  19. One of the funniest cartoons you'll ever see.
  20. I'm waiting for the region 2 release, on the off chance that it has extra features. If it doesn't I'll be annoyed I waited Oh no we're off topic!
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