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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. There are so many threads and such little time.
  2. Spam is anything unsolicited, or other forms of junk information that aren't related to the original post. Like replies about exploding feet and mayonaise in a biology thread, as an example. Your post was one of about 10 removed from the spontaneous human combustion thread - they had little or nothing to do with what mooeypoo was looking for.
  3. We're more interested in the fact that spam breaks the flow of threads.
  4. Spam removal. Everything is normal, please return to your homes.
  5. I take it you mean when it's on the wall, and not when it's approaching the work area?
  6. Well yes. The fact that this is morally objectionable seems to escape some people.
  7. Riiiiiiiight. "Hi, we've invaded your country, toppled your leader, tortured and abused the captives we were placed in charge of, sequestered your oil reserves, and now we're going to steal your food/occupy your village/shoot that goat of yours. If you object then you must be militia so we'll kill you." Yeah I can see how that would make everything "OK".
  8. True, being able to render html entities is not worth opening the door for malicious javascript.
  9. I think atm was more referring to the fact that if a civilian defends their home/property/town etc from US or UK troops, they are treated as combatants.
  10. If you have an interest in a specific debate, subscribe to it. New debate threads will always show in the new posts list because they do not require validation.
  11. Faf, that reminds me of someone I have known for a long time. When she was younger she would pinch and goad and torment other children until they were so distressed that they either lashed out at her, giving her an excuse to hit them, or until they ran home in tears, upon which she would go around telling their friends stories about what a coward the kid was and how he/she didn't really like their friends. She was not a morally justified bastion of righteousness, she was just a bully.
  12. Yeah, so putting it in evolution and morphology is obviously the way forward If you're asking people what they think of something, you should probably summarise it and/or provide links to resources.
  13. No it's not. The sub and sup tags are OK for the basics, we have Latex for more complex equations.
  14. That's the theory that explains how people burn up so completely with relatively little damage to their surroundings, but there are no compelling theories yet as to what causes it.
  15. The main reason people object to cloning on moral grounds is usually that the cloned person would not have a "soul", hence the "we should not play god" argument. Of course, this roughly translates to "if you people make a human clone and it is just like you and me, and doesn't have black eyes and a complete lack of humanity, there there probably isn't a soul and our moralising about god will look quite silly - so we'd rather nobody ever tried kthx bye."
  16. In your scenario, relativity "fails" because you haven't applied it properly. In J'Dona's scenario, your clocks explanation obeys relativity. Mmmmm hmmm hmmmm.
  17. CLOCK1 -> 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <- CLOCK2 ^ ^ ^ ^ (astronauts) 4 4 4 4 (average reads) I just posted this as a clearer version of what blike posted, but he seems to have deleted his. Oh well.
  18. lol That's a fairly obvious trick.
  19. ...erupt in a ball of flames and shrieking, and get dragged to hell screaming "curse you goddddd!!!!!!!!!!11112"* * Maybe ** ** Probably not
  20. We have the technology to do a lot of funky things. What we lack is the will and conviction as a society. For instance you could have flourescent skin as the ultimate fashion accessory. We CAN do that now. However the laws regarding human trials, human rights protests and what have you tend to get in the way.
  21. I think it was Hugh Everett in 1957. It's difficult to tell now, due to all the noise on the web, but the concept is about 50 years old.
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