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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Saying it's "from" a movie implies that's where the concept came from.
  2. 69 for men, 74 for women or thereabouts... I forget the exact figures.
  3. A: Greek, seeing as the Romans stole most of it anyway Q: Favourite book?
  4. I'm sure we'll have the technology to shift our lifespan to 100+, but it won't be distributed widely enought to actually move average human lifespan.
  5. "They" didn't post it on the internet. The executors videoed themselves and sent the footage to an Arab TV station as a political message. Somebody has screen capped the footage and put it on a web site, from which it spread as these things usually do.
  6. I don't know about anyone else here but I have no desire to watch that footage.
  7. Is that some kind of joke?
  8. I'm just worried you find dinosaurs hunky.
  9. It's not from "The One", it's in "The One". Which is nothing to do with this old thread you bumped.
  10. What do you mean by the "top" of the bulb?
  11. No it doesn't - hot fluids rise. Well actually to be uber pedantic, fluids of higher density sink through fluids of lower density.
  12. I checked designer babies, fusion power plants, and nuclear war (although whether or not it is actually considered a war will probably be retrospectively reliant on historical interpretation).
  13. "Original work" is normally a prevalent term in college and university plagiarism rules.
  14. No, I'm not making an attempt to reconcile or justify those abhorrent actions in any way. What I'm saying is that it's not like they just ran up to someone at random and chopped his head off for a laugh. When the US or the UK kills such people working for the other side, we call them combatants.
  15. Errr... he was decapitated after the images of appalling conditions for Iraqis in an American-run jail, and allegations of similar abuse carried out by British troops. Which incidentally came after our forces invading their country, deposing their leaders, and killing civilians. And regardless of whether he volunteered or not, he was a combatant. And - by virtue of the USA declaring it's war to be "on terror" - so were they.
  16. Because the average consumer in the USA uses a hell of a lot more of it, so ends up paying out more cash. They ought to buy proper cars. And live in a smaller country.
  17. Is anyone going to define what this "kind of people we are dealing with" means? Because if 'here' is the USA I'm guessing you don't mean Iraqis who are threatening you with decapitation.
  18. Scientists in the USA claim to have found evidence that structures known as 'nanobacteria' are actually alive, and may be responsible for a variety of human illnesses. Other researchers are doubtful that there is enough evidence to call the structures life forms, as they are smaller than viruses and exhibit only a few features associated with life. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3729487.stm
  19. Virii is not a real word. This is simply life cycle architecture that has, like the Admiral says, come about through natural selection. It might seem exotic or intentional, but it's no different to viruses recognising which cells to infect. You need to be careful about this sort of analysis, because whereas you have interpreted that rabies travels to the brain to do its work, it's more likely that it travels through the blood or lymph systems aimlessley, and only acts in the brain, where its target cells are.
  20. No you can't, you aren't allowed to dig on 'your' moon land. Sorry.
  21. A: DVD Q: How is a two line joke supposed to be a one-liner? (Re: #135 and #136)
  22. This thread in particular doesn't really have a topic to be on.
  23. Yeah, nice logic there. [edit] Berg father backs anti-war stance I wonder what Mr Berg would think of you using video of his son's untimely demise to spread a message of hate.
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