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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I doubt there was a radio station involved. lelandroncorey has posted 3 times in the past 9 months, touting this site every time. Just trying to get free linkage and googlicity. ps - stop spamming. No really, stop now.
  2. I read it the other day so there is an article somewhere, but I can't for the life of me remember where. Will have a poke around.
  3. 1) The majority of those users are going to be voluntarily tying themselves to Microsoft's increasingly proprietary architecture. 2) While their market share is not as big as it could be, their actual share is bigger than it should be. More Windows users means more people trying to swap win32 documents, which encourages users to use similar systems - i.e. install at least 1 version of windows. 3) With the immense flak Microsoft have got recently for the security holes in Windows (that often don't just let badness happen, but assist the badness), they need to be seen to be taking a line that helps the situation. The thrust of their recent announcement was "it's far more important unlicensed users get patched than it is that we get our personal use license fee".
  4. That was the excuse the .gov gave for adding more tax. The equivalent value did not go in to improving mass transit systems, in fact on a national level we have an appaling rail system.
  5. Hydrolysis literally means "the breaking of water", so it'll do
  6. I think "my muscles hurt when I use them" is a much better reason to go to the doctor than "my muscles hurt because I don't use them".
  7. What if it's caused by underuse of the muscles?
  8. I'm guessing you pulled that out of thin air, instead of checking how much energy is produced from nuclear reactors, and how much of that powers industry.
  9. No; I said "which will come from", not "which could come from". If we had cold fusion we wouldn't need to waste our time faffing around with hydrogen cells.
  10. Which is a process that requires external energy, which will come from...?
  11. Although you can "legally" buy a plot on the moon, it's only legally yours in that it's not illegal for you to claim you own it. Also international treaty (iirc) prevents the "owner" from mining it, building on it, or basically doing anything you might want to do on the moon.
  12. I can't look into any of these at the moment but one of them has to be helpful: http://www.google.co.uk/search?num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oi=defmore&q=define:DOS
  13. I used to get the same thing aommaster, for no apparent reason. It went away on its own.
  14. 'Commands' is pretty much it as far as DOS goes. It's just a disc operating system; the commands usually have plenty of optional subcommands but that's about it. What did you have in mind, if not commands?
  15. I think we had a thread on that a while ago - I'll try to dig it out for you. [edit] Turns out that old thread wasn't very helpful. I'd favour a combined approach using as many renewables (biogas, hydroelectric, wind, wave, solar, geothermal etc) as possible. In an integrated approach they are worth the investment. A sensible nuclear program would help too.
  16. Only one of us here is currently contracted as a business analyst, and it's not you.
  17. That's just funny. It will mean cleaner roads and cities, but realistically (in a competitive, widely-distributed market) it's not going to be cheaper energy.
  18. There are some real beauties in there, yes
  19. Microsoft don't care if you paid for the license or not. They only make serious money off corporate licensing - anything else, and they aren't bothered because you're using THEIR product. In fact they even recently announced that the next service pack for Windows XP will be available to illegal users of the software, because contrary to common belief they aren't actually a company without any brains.
  20. Not that you DESERVE post counts for all the spam, you messy lot
  21. ...with Google, no less: http://www.google.com/jobs/lunar_job.html
  22. Don't be ridiculous. (although having said that, at least you are smart enough to use Firefox )
  23. You don't see any marked "deleted" because I split a lot of posts off their parent threads today. The posts that were removed were off-topic, but are now in a hidden forum to preserve your post counts.
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