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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Boycotting is not going to solve anything. The simple fact is that fossil fuels are being consumed far, far faster than they form. Dozens of orders of magnitude faster
  2. Sayonara


    It's a good question. Maybe commission a series of big budget films where the gung-ho goodies keep getting killed horribly.
  3. Sayonara


    This is the whole issue. Saying "yeah I shot him, but he was a psycho" isn't good enough when you've just taken a life. If a country is going to allow capital punishment, it should do everything possible to make sure that the meting of such punishments remains firmly in the prevue of the supreme courts, and not in the hands of anyone who can hold a gun.
  4. Whether your first post will be helpful remains to be seen. Your second post doesn't help him one bit. I'm not saying that you didn't contribute, just that non-contributions aren't a good plan in this type of thread. I could have phrased it better, admittedly.
  5. This is a thread asking for help. We don't joke around in those in a way that could be misleading to someone who is trying to learn. If you aren't going to contribute to answering albertlee's questions, don't post in this thread.
  6. Developers, system designers, programmers.
  7. I forgot what it was in physics... something to do with electromagnetism I think. In chemistry it was usually the 'rules' that shape the periodic table, iirc.
  8. Not really. Certainly it's more social than that of every other species we know, but I haven't seen any studies that show social pressure has overtaken biological pressure in terms of gross evolutionary driving forces. While your first point is more or less true (colourful language notwithstanding, and ignoring more interesting evolutionary and ecological effects), your conclusion is flawed. If you get killed, you can no longer reproduce. Someone who is good at, as you say, "traffic dodging" will have a much longer reproductive period which means more opportunity to produce offspring, and a greater 'share' in the gene pool. And of course their offspring are more likely to have longer reproductive periods themselves (assuming that for the sake of argument we are attributing traffic dodging to genetic factors). Evolutionary biology has come on a bit since the voyage of the Beagle. Regardless, natural selection does still apply to humans - even if we isolated ourselves from all other species, it would still apply.
  9. True, but that's because of business reasons rather than lazy design. The critical update alerter for your system tray can make it less important to check the web site so frequently.
  10. This is all very interesting but tremendously off-topic.
  11. A: Yes You got it wrong. The answer is "Practice, wink". Father Ted? Q: How can this be heaven if I haven't got the donkey I was promised?
  12. Use the mains as your power supply, and a sharpened lawn umbrella as your projectile. :thumbsup:
  13. A: Ibuprofen Q: How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
  14. Before you were just a babbling fool. Now you are starting to annoy me.
  15. lol I like the way I was able to specify what the payment was for. Hope you get over the addiction Blike
  16. Don't forget the human cost.
  17. "hippy liberal anti-Iraq people"? Who are you addressing here?
  18. This is the pseudoscience forum. Who cares if the thread is ruined? I'm just amazed he's putting in effort still.
  19. They are unlike virtually every known organism in the solar system then... yet you have an intimate knowledge of their biology. Riiiiight. I doubt it. The only threads you look at come from searches for the word "Mars", and most of them are full of your baseless crap now.
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