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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. The original Avengers was ace. I liked the one where they found a castle full of Nazis in the middle of the home counties. And the one with the big warehouse that was basically a giant machine for disposing of double agents in pink boxes with ribbons around them.
  2. You've already been given an adequate example of why that phrase can be misinterpreted. So insist away; you'll just be repeatedly wrong. No, but now that you mention it it does seem like a criterion that could end a lot of academic squabbling. In this thread and a couple of others, you are "answering questions" to real life physicists. Arguing semantics is not the best way to discuss terms which are given their meanings by universal convention.
  3. Just because you wanted all three words to appear in the phrase, doesn't mean that it can only possibly be interpreted in one way. If you stopped being so obtuse this discussion might actually get somewhere. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Well, seeing as Swanson is an actual physicist doing actual physics which would blow up half of the East coast if he was so fundamentally wrong about simple principles, I don't think that's a difficult call.
  4. Again, you are mixing units. Speed is distance/time. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedThread suicide.
  5. There is no universal frame of reference, so that's patently rubbish.
  6. Jryan, you just called half my point "bollocks" and then in the next breath stated exactly the same argument as your own using slightly different words. It may be time to take a step back, have yourself a couple of deep breaths, and reassess. If I see two male swans rubbing each others necks and cooing over a rock, I am going to call them gay swans. I am not going to call them lefty liberal poster-children. Although I am acutely aware that there are certainly people who will use and exaggerate the existence of "gay" animals to forward their own political causes I do not think that was the intention of this thread, and I do not think that suspecting that motive is sufficient reason to ignore the literally vast data.
  7. You aren't a naturally discerning person, are you?
  8. I am installing it tomorrow on a dual core server. I will let you know how it all goes.
  9. Ever tried to tell someone how to use a particular bit of BB code, and had to tell them something like "remove the spaces to make the tags work"? Then you'll have probably given up and gone for a cigarette when they said "what spaces?" VB includes a tag called noparse which you can use for displaying BB code as normal text. Any BB code enclosed by the noparse tags will be ignored when the post is parsed and rendered to the browser. So, for example, if I take this... Bold text ...and surround it with noparse tags... Bold text ...you will see this: Bold text Try it out!
  10. Following staff review, this thread has been reopened. This has been done on the understanding that the incitement will stop. The thread is being monitored.
  11. Only for the next 23 hours if it's in this thread.
  12. This thread is now on 24 Hour Suicide Watch. The OP has failed or is failing to support their position, has not managed the thread in a sufficient manner, or is encouraging a disordered discussion. The OP must bring the thread under control within 24 hours of the time of this post in order for the thread to stay open. If the thread does not turn into a normal and rational discussion within this time then it will be closed without any consideration of the moderation policy.
  13. This thread is now on 24 Hour Suicide Watch. The OP has failed or is failing to support their position, has not managed the thread in a sufficient manner, or is encouraging a disordered discussion. The OP must bring the thread under control within 24 hours of the time of this post in order for the thread to stay open. If the thread does not turn into a normal and rational discussion within this time then it will be closed without any consideration of the moderation policy.
  14. This thread is now on 24 Hour Suicide Watch. The OP has failed or is failing to support their position, has not managed the thread in a sufficient manner, or is encouraging a disordered discussion. The OP must bring the thread under control within 24 hours of the time of this post in order for the thread to stay open. If the thread does not turn into a normal and rational discussion within this time then it will be closed without any consideration of the moderation policy.
  15. I doubt it matters so much in this particular case, as I strongly suspect the object of the exercise is to look at the formulae and work out the names according to IUPAC nomenclature.
  16. Or it could just be that you are talking utter rubbish.
  17. well now in the mainstream thought ' date=' they are looking at Quasars being ejected from some galaxies your thoughts[/quote'] Gibberish. Closing thread.
  18. You have clearly never heard of the Kinsey Scale then, or the more recent Klein Grid. I have to admit they are rather obscure tools for most every day purposes, so it is perhaps not surprising if you have never seen those before. However I find it amazing that in this day and age -- when sexuality is understood so much better than in the past -- there are still people frequenting science forums who appear oblivious to the sexual spectrum. Sorry jryan, but this is demonstrably incorrect. Ah yes, the old "gays don't/can't breed" bollocks. We have been over that many times before. If "true" homosexual animals existed as you define them they would have to stop existing at the next generation for your reasoning to be correct. The fact that there are any gay people/animals at all demonstrates that this is not the case. You have to redefine "homosexual" to a ridiculously absolutist degree in order to make that argument, and it still falls down because it breaks its own genetics. As iNow said, someone who has homosexual relationships and/or sex their entire life does not stop being gay because they experimented as a teenager or had drunken sex with their rebounding housemate.
  19. There are some reasons. Why would you want to live in an interstellar void? Remaining near the star gives you an energy alternative in the event of catastrophic power generation failure, The system may still contain planets or other bodies with civilisations with whom the habitat dwellers trade or engage in other beneficial relations, Even a civilisation with abundant energy from fusion might consider it wasteful to power out of the star's orbit for no real reason. Although in principle, no, there's nothing stopping a civilisation from moving away from their star. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged If they are out there, it's only a matter of time before that evidence arrives. At the moment though we do not have any such evidence, only speculation, and there is only so much time and effort that busy and sensible people are prepared to devote to that speculation.
  20. Sayonara

    Zombie Plan

    A lot of this thread depends on whether the zombism is viral or supernatural. We need a flow chart!
  21. You might also want to check the meaning of "exponential rate": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_growth Here's an example of an exponential increase, where the counted items double every step. Assume each row is a year, and the numbers count natural disasters or UFO sightings. After 25 years it is clearly ridiculous: 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 131072 262144 524288 1048576 2097152 4194304 8388608 16777216 33554432
  22. Thread moved to speculations, because that's what its entire contents will be. The OP is advised to search the forums for the literally dozens of threads we have had on this topic. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI should probably clarify actually... I am not closing this thread because it has potential for discussion which many of the other 2012 threads lacked. Directions to check out the existing threads are purely for the benefit of the OP.
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