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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. You know what I try with those sites? Using a competing service
  2. A: They don't; natural selection drives it all. Q: Society can most easily do without jugglers, or fire-eaters?
  3. If he was a dragon he could fly around their central offices, frying them with his firey breath.
  4. If he was in the UK he could just switch to Virgin Mobile and send a big "thanks, but f**k you" card to his old provider.
  5. What do you mean, "eh"? You aren't allowed to not like me!
  6. lol, I already moved it to religion and philosophy from the evolution/morphology forum.
  7. Has anyone seen footage of bleeding wounds in zero-G? You'd think it would bubble outwards, but it actually runs along the skin due to surface tension. Weird thing to see.
  8. A: So they aren't knocked unconscious before they can reach their target. Q: Mashed or roasted?
  9. When you can get access, see if the hate mail is still on there
  10. It's this stupid hoax website with lots of pictures of kittens squashed into jars and bottles. It was shown to be a hoax amid a mass of publicity a couple of years ago; in fact I think it was so infamous it got a listing on Snopes.
  11. It's been known to be fake for a long time.
  12. No, he just meant trueLove, not all Christians. Glider would himself be a hypocrite if that post had been aimed indiscriminately at all of Christianity. Heh heh heh Unfortunately trueLove didn't give me enough information to work out if he was stupid or not, but he gave me enough information to work out that thread was NOT going to have a happy ending or contribute to the site in any informative fashion. By closing that thread I was doing my job. It was his choice to go off on a woefully misinformed flaming spree, hence the two week ban. That guy needs to chill. [edit] Apart from the other couple of derogatory threads (which personally I found insulting to the intelligence of the average member, as some people pointed out above ^), he was banned for this: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3982
  13. I WUB MY FANCLUB trueLove is coming to my house for tea and scones!!!!!!!!11123
  14. It's not so much the inertia I was considering as the fact that a tree can be considered part of the earth for the purposes of the scenario. Unless of course the branch with the bird on it is 'staying still', and the rest of the tree is being compressed towards it or stretched away...
  15. It's all very well calculating how fast molecules will distribute themselves in a vacuum, but while water, CO2 etc are in the human body they aren't (for the most part) free to do so.
  16. Errr... if the bird is in a tree on the earth, isn't the bird moving at 2.5 m/s as well?
  17. Ahhhhhh ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa!
  18. The reason I moved the "life on mars" threads to Exobiology was basically to make spammy crap unnacceptable
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