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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. You're still just substituting the term 'reality' for the term 'perception of reality'. If you're drunk, the room isn't actually spinning. Doesn't matter who's there to witness it.
  2. So virtually the same as rice, only requires more mastication (as far as chewing in the mouth goes anyway) due to the cell walls. Nice info.
  3. Exactaplunkymundo.
  4. Sayonara

    Sasser Virus!

    Tried Sophos? You aren't going to be able to remove a virus if it's already written zeros across your HDs.
  5. Hey Demosthenes, I am from the future. Evidence? I saw your mom in your kitchen at 8pm tomorrow evening before I came back here to tell you.
  6. The very existence of perception requires a reality by definition, and the fact that perception differs between individuals doesn't mean that reality is changing.
  7. I hope you meant contiguous thought
  8. Neither answering nor failing to answer that question are evidence either way. Out of interest though, I'm sure there are plenty of similar elaborate hoaxes - his just had more appeal and/or gained more notoriety. Intensive google searches will result in you finding lots of similar claims, I suspect.
  9. That's from thinking about it for 13 seconds anyway...
  10. Well, I think rice is mainly carbohydrates like starch. Your saliva contains amylase, an enzyme that breaks down starches, so I'd presume that if you chew rice for a few minutes its structure is going to be affected as carbohydrates in it are broken down into simpler components, therefore changing the taste. Not sure about cucumbers tbh.
  11. No, the root reasons for people being poor have not changed. I'd agree there is more scope for people to 'not stay poor', but equally there are also greater fiscal pressures on all people in society now than there were, say, 800 yrs ago. Looking for evidence would be a good way of breaking that nightmare cycle. It gets tricky with humans though, because we behave very oddly for animals which can make prolonged study a bit difficult. Also we tend to have 'motives' for doing things, rather than doing them simply as responses to stimuli, and these can be near-impossible to detect or quantify. R_E is not speculating - he's drawn that explanation from evolutionary biology and behavourial ecology. I'm sure he could find plenty of studies and papers supporting it.
  12. Sayonara

    Sasser Virus!

    Some of us have better things to do with our time than find ways of sounding like we have l337 sk1llz. I have never seen a service do its job better than the Sophos approach does; manually removing viruses and worms after they hit is sheer lunacy. Wait until you get a forced-writer, then we'll see who's a fool.
  13. Yes we did. There's nothing in his story to make me believe that he might be from the future, and plenty of narrative omissions and errors to suggest he isn't.
  14. Patience is a virtue. Not everyone checks every thread every minute of every day.
  15. Sayonara

    Sasser Virus!

    I hope you gave the guilty party a good telling off.
  16. Sayonara

    Sasser Virus!

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HAAA HAAAAAAAAAA HA HAAAAAAAA! faf you muppet, get the free removal tool from sophos
  17. Sayonara

    Sasser Virus!

    The media - even the BBC - don't realise how much harm they are doing by dumbing down this subject. They use terms interchangeably when they aren't, and just generally give poor advice. There was a guy on the Radio 2 news before who called Sasser a 'gremlin', which it clearly isn't.
  18. Sayonara

    Sasser Virus!

    Well, yeah. I feel sorry for them too. I can still laugh at them though, can't I? (The ones who have an A/V and FW installed and never bother to use them properly definitely deserve it!)
  19. Sayonara

    Sasser Virus!

    I LOL at anyone who got hit by that. LOLOLOL, stinky earth fools. Btw, the popular media is not the place to get info on computer security. Use these: http://www.securityfocus.com http://www.messagelabs.com http://www.sophos.com
  20. Being in a coma ("unconscious") does not mean you have no consciousness - we went over that in another thread a couple of weeks ago. You're also omitting the fact that the basal ganglia are useless in isolation, which could give you a false positive. I don't know what point you're trying to make. "Without a brain stem you'd be dead" is not news. It certainly doesn't answer the O/P. ps - nobody got my 'bugging me' joke
  21. Stop using the plural in a singular context, it's bugging me I think you missed the distinction I was trying to make. The fact that all nervous response to stimuli ends at point X does not mean that point X is when consciousness ends.
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