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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Only if you think a side is the same as a surface.
  2. I like both. (Well, bits of both. Enterprise is an abomination, TOS sucks, and there's no death horrible enough for Jar Jar Binks.)
  3. Give it time for the thread to appear on their shit-lists...
  4. lol: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/north_west/3664381.stm
  5. I'm pretty sure there are only six degrees of separation, not seven...
  6. Why are we creating a man-chimp, by the way?
  7. We can already represent 4-dimensional objects in 3 or even 2 dimensions. Not the same as 'seeing' them, I know - but it's a lot less effort.
  8. I voted "other" since it's ethical as long as the chimp is a consenting adult, but I'm not sure that's ever going to happen so I can't really vote "no".
  9. That was kind of my point.
  10. I know you lot, so whatever [you] put +1. Although generally I try to increase the number of steps.
  11. ROFL on so many levels. They actually came up with something just so they could come up with something to "counter" it? HAHAHA.
  12. You're only actually accelerating at impulse speeds though.
  13. No, it'd be a fast but agonising way to die.
  14. Any idea how recyclable they are compared to standard discs?
  15. Looks like NASA might be reconsidering: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3652627.stm
  16. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=2982
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