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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. A system of metamoderation would be the best approach, as it would directly discourage misuse of the rep system.
  2. Well you can always narrow down the search...
  3. Now there's an RSS feed for the forums it's very important that threads have a descriptive title.
  4. Personally, since I affect people's reputation so much, I am reserving donations for extremely offensive or super informative posts (at least until more people have a respectable number of points and therefore a fighting chance
  5. It's not unreasonable to assume there must be some guidelines for identifying products that use a certain group of mechanisms, or give particular results. I don't suppose anybody had a look for anything...?
  6. Red Hat Enterprise. Like the Starship Enterprise, only not.
  7. A CRT monitor is generally the most power-hungry element in a PC, unless you have some kind of wacky copper radiator and refigeration system. Switching to LCD will doubtless save energy. Fans consume almost no power as a proportion of the total used. The alternatives are static devices (like flower heat sinks, or lots of copper baffles - use no power), water cooling (pump etc requires power) or refrigeration (obviously power hungry). The advantage of static cooling is that it requires no power, but it simply can't shift as much heat as other methods. Flower heat sinks and copper bits for your PC are also very cheap, and obviously make no noise. Water cooling is nice and quiet but I am not sure how much power it uses. I think there might be several bits that use power but some of them look fairly optional. Refrigeration is the best solution for getting rid of heat but in terms of resource consumption it's complete over-kill. I'll bet there are a good few forums and sites that deal specifically with comparisons of power consumption for things like this, so I'd suggets looking for benchmark tests of popular cooling solutions.
  8. Seeing as there's a standard form for providing scientific reference, one might have reasonably assumed that "who" and "when" were implied.
  9. They're on virtually every external e-mail anyone in an office receives, so we don't so much collect them as... accumulate them. Really they're on there so that the originator of the e-mail can shed some responsibility if sensitive information is leaked.
  10. That's just a standard footer that most business use. It usually gets added by the outbound mail server.
  11. Oddly enough, this came up the other day: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3597
  12. There was a funny comment on Slashdot (I think) about RH cherry-picking and mixing bits of the latest kernel with the stable release they were already employing.
  13. Yes, if IE was any good at doing what it's meant to
  14. You are by far the lowest. Post something that's actually GOOD. [edit] For the record, you had three red blobs at the time of writing. Presumably people have bumped you up because you're agonising over it, which defeats the object of the system a bit.
  15. By the way, this feat was brought to you by Smirnoff. SMIRNOFF! SMIRNOFF!
  16. Well, that solves the mystery of some things that may or may not have happened.
  17. Oh. Reason I asked is that I didn't see why they'd e-mail off a copy of a story to random internet man #83762 and then say "but don't tell anyone, it's a secret until tomorrow." Seems like bad business. It was in the paper this morning.
  18. Were you involved in the attempt or something?
  19. If you reload the page, the session might still remain. Delete cookies, close browser, restart browser.
  20. No, the original screenplay was written by John Carpenter and Dan O'Bannon. There was a novelisation by Alan Dean Foster but judging by his butchery of other sci-fi greats I wouldn't bother: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0345288718/qid=1082460830/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-5940781-7647057?v=glance&s=books Iirc it just came out on DVD
  21. Micheal Crichton's "The Lost World" (Jurassic Park II). http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0099240629/qid=1082458496/sr=1-2/ref=sr_1_10_2/202-4504076-4957428
  22. Why bother though? There are plenty of free game sites with much better games. http://www.gamer.tv for a start.
  23. That might be possible, yeah. I know the groups function is in this build but I don't know what functionality there is.
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