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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I can do better (IE, worse) than that I have an Amstrad PCW 9512 in the garage! With LocoScript 2! and CPM+! and MicroDesign! and Starglider!
  2. No live volcanic activity has ever been observed on Mars, through any means.
  3. Well, my take on it is that since the thread display page uses the name of the thread as the page title, and spiders from Google etc get a lot of use out of the <TITLE> tags, there's definitely a very good case for maintaining descriptive thread names. Also I'd much rather have self-descriptive threads on the forum view instead of that stupid giant alt-tag "preview", which is non-CBC and an abuse of the 'title' attribute.
  4. I prefer the solution "but I can get places" (mainly because I don't have to revise my maths for that one).
  5. Normal British people don't care about it either. Only the fools who actually read tabloids for news.
  6. We wouldn't necessarily. It's difficult to do things with your arms - for instance - if you are using both your biceps and triceps at the same time.
  7. We use about 10-15% at any one time.
  8. This is something I have pointed out before in the mods forum.
  9. Oh lordy; now there are two of them.
  10. AMD Athlon 2200XP on MSI m/b Kick-ass GeForce 4 gfx card 512Mb DDR Time for some upgrades I think.
  11. That'd be slightly tricky. CSS is a client-side language that dictates page- and element-level styles to the browser. MathML might come in handy somewhere: http://www.w3.org/Math/
  12. Doing it in ASP would be horrible as it's an absolutely hideous language. Not sure what you mean by CCS. Cisco Collaboration Server? PHP would be best as it has easily implemented maths and some nifty graphing capabilities.
  13. Not quite. PHP is a hypertext preprocessor - the script is run on the server and generates HTML, CSS and JavaScript to send to the client. When you look at SFN, your computer is not "reading" the PHP. It doesn't see a scrap of it. Client-side languages are processed on-the-fly by the browser, and they should be avoided (hello javascript) unless you actually need to manipulate the browser itself (window attributes etc). Wherever javascript is used on a page, there should be an alternative for non js-enabled clients embedded using the <noscript> tag.
  14. The .gov have been experimenting with particulate ninjas for years now. Shoot them into your enemy's compound close to the speed of light and they're unstoppable.
  15. Whose theory is that? I know it's a prevailing belief among the countless armchair evolutionary biologists who seem to roam the web, but I've not heard of any papers on this. Any linkage?
  16. We've already done this one twice. Because it's so damned old
  17. Sayonara


    That's the kind of approach I'd favour. I don't particularly hate guns or gun owners, nor do I base every decision I make around some weird political compass that was made up to categorise people. I just think a lot more reasoning needs to go into the decisions surrounding gun ownership; both from the authorities allowing the public to have guns, and the individuals who feel they need them.
  18. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH Straight to the sun!
  19. You can't measure both the position and velocity of a ninja at the same time. See - quantum physics.
  20. Sayonara


    Are those the only people who don't keep guns, or is that what all the people who don't keep guns get called?
  21. Lol yeah, Zelda better than FF. Whatever.
  22. TeamTalk. Ahhh ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa no.
  23. Yes, natural selection is a major driving force behind evolution. The moths example is thought to show natural selection quite well. The Galapagos Finches and dog breeding also do.
  24. Whether or not a change is mutation or evolution does not depend on the "speed". A mutation occurs in one individual when damage to their DNA by any agent (chemical, radioactive, random changes) causes expression of unexpected protein/s. Evolution is a collective term for a large number of agents, causes and effects that see a population adapting over several generations. A mutation may be beneficial to an individual and increase the chances of them surviving and mating - this would make the individual more evolutionarily fit and could well be selected into future generations. But there's no point where mutation 'becomes' evolution because one is just a cause, and the other is the effect of lots of causes.
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