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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Oh, I see what you mean now. I was reading it as "[There is] no time travel, in the sci fi sense".
  2. I understand what you're trying to do - checking if a routine returns true or false is incredibly versatile (and good for providing an alternative route if something critical can't complete!).
  3. Not yet, but I'm betting LuTze will at some point.
  4. The free version of ZoneAlarm is the current favourite I think.
  5. Most things in PHP return TRUE or FALSE when they succeed or fail. You can if( ) that returned value and, based on the results, echo a message like "records inserted" or "update failed! :-(".
  6. I <3 the old Goldeneye. Can't wait to play it on a more advanced system
  7. That's not an argument against homosexual adoption; it's an argument about why society needs to change its attitudes and the way it behaves towards individuals.
  8. Blackice is meant to be awful. It's a big "attack here" sign for budding crackers.
  9. You can always use SSH to forward ports with a program like PuTTy, thereby bypassing the firewall. Then it won't matter how good the firewall is. I think. There are tutorials on the web
  10. I'm pretty sure there's no evidence of that, despite studies.
  11. Afaik there's no bullet-proof software firewall, although if you're behind a Unix gateway with a firewall on it there's a good chance nothing is ever going to reach you. Hardware firewalls are apparently more preferable but I have no idea how much they cost as I've never looked into it.
  12. It probably shuts down OE because it's the world's biggest and most easily-commandeered remote spam generator.
  13. vB is open source subject to license conditions.
  14. The flag has a metal pole in the top to keep it "open", otherwise it would have drooped towards the moon and looked a bit pathetic. It did not flap.
  15. I know what the experiment was; I'm asking how the results show that "sci fi" time travel is not possible. (Bearing in mind that relativity does not apply to all forms of sci fi time travel).
  16. This is somewhat subjective depending on what you mean by "a truth". Unpredictably does not necessitate invalidity. Usually if an effect is unpredictable, it is due to more than one cause. The trick is to break the problem down into its components, all of which will be predictable separately. Enough information means that one can eventually model the effects of combinations of causes. If the human brain is not sufficient to the task of acquiring or understanding the evidence, then there's obviously not much scope for addressing the problem at hand. Our capacity to adapt and continuing evolution though do mean that the more time we spend working on the problem, the more likely we are to make headway of some sort. In the meantime people are of course free to ascribe the effects of unknown causes to whatever imaginary entities they can conjure up, but to unilaterally call this truth would be folly.
  17. The scientific method is used for testing conclusions against observations. This means it doesn't matter if the world around us is real or not; we can still describe it in a predictive and reliable manner. "What if truths exist that are beyond the realm of the scientific method? Do we humans assume we understand everything and can say for sure that truth is only that which can be validated by the scientific method?" I'm not sure what you mean here. Science does not strive to find pre-existing truths and validate them, it is simply for showing how and why things happen. As such nothing is really "beyond" science as a method, although there are certainly some things that are beyond our capacity to apply the method. For instance we can't yet chuck pineapples into black holes to see what happens. This in itself is not a limitation of the method - it's a constraint on the method caused by our poo technology.
  18. Ninjas turn white when you throw sand in their face.
  19. Sayonara

    Edit posts

    Whether or not you can edit or delete posts mainly depends on the permissions of your user group (IE - registered members). Afaik it's common on VB-type boards for admins to prevent members from deleting post 1 in a thread, as they don't really want users to be able to delete a giant thread that has built up over a few weeks. You should be able to delete your own replies in most forums though. If you can't, just change it to a period or something and a mod will remove it next time one passes. Glike or Gafalone will be able to say what the permissions are exactly.
  20. Only if it's a washer with a vertical drum. My washer has a horizontal drum - use mine if you like.
  21. The fact that people go around passing on that useful information without once stopping to think "wait a sec, how would anyone research that?" shows what fkin idiots most people are.
  22. The thing about discussing time travel is that (A) humans always try to apply completely flawed constructs like temporal paradoxes, and (B) our languages by-and-large lack the grammar required to describe even a simple time travel experience. I have some ideas about how to represent a lot of ideas more specifically but it's going to take me a weekend to design and present it all so it won't be happening now as I am busy on IHH. Maybe next week...
  23. I think this is under discussion in the other thread already. I have not noticed the messed up letters thing since turning off the side-bar in my prefs.
  24. http://sayonara.info/chat/ I know it's a tad basic but it'll do until Fafamalone fixes his robot minions. [edit] There's an SFN 'channel' now... choose it from the "rooms created by users" list.
  25. How does it show that exactly?
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