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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3467
  2. I think you might be getting your wires crossed. He's asking where they get the dietary components that we get from fruit and veg. These components cascade down the food chain and many are stored by other animals, which we could eat if we did not have more efficient alternatives at hand (IE fruit and veg). Inuit and Eskimo do not have easy access to fruit and veg, so they need to eat animals that do in order to get the same components. Vitamin D will be another one, as well as calcium and trace metals.
  3. Who? I'm talking about Inuit. Not a lot of lemons in Greenland
  4. Ah hah! I got da gold. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3587251.stm
  5. Here we go: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3584285.stm The Christian Institute is kicking up a fuss, calling it "immoral" and saying it "devalues marriage". I have yet to see an explanation as to why though. A couple of the readers' comments on that page are quite bigotted.
  6. Well my point is that seeing as the only absolute vacuum we in this thread know of is imaginary (unless you count intra-atomic spaces), the fact that this is all "on paper" is somewhat inferred by the fact that we're discussing it at all.
  7. Yeah, I know that. I don't see why it's a problem.
  8. Yeah, I think I already said that a couple of times.
  9. Oooooh he looks mad now :scared: :run!:
  10. The question isn't invalid at all, it's just ill-defined. You even said as much in reply #14.
  11. I don't see how he's going to win this debate by adding information and arguments involving things that are not related to the question. :-?
  12. Errr... no. No it never gets light from us, because it always faces away. That's why we call it the dark side. It frequently faces the sun directly.
  13. I think you're overcomplicating things. If you say "there's no such thing as a vacuum" and instead start talking about filling volumes or what have you, then you no longer addressing the original question.
  14. The dark side of the moon is not always dark you know.
  15. I'm not sure the laws of physics on the moon differ from those on Earth tbh. Probes can turn to face away from the largest light source. The astronauts on the moon were in the direct path of reflected light from Earth and light from the sun (which is powerful enough to bounce of the moon, make it back here, and still be coherent enough to let us see the thing even during the day), so they didn't really have a choice.
  16. I thought it was implied he's talking about a hypothetical true vacuum, in which case it has a boundary. "Stretching" is simply a poor use of words.
  17. It's probably due to a combination of low-res cameras, and interference from other light sources (like light from street lamps which stops you seeing the majority of stars even on a clear night).
  18. Sayonara

    Left Sidebar

    I'm on 1600*1200 so I don't care
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  20. If you're talking about theoretical perfect vacuums, Tor value won't be involved in explaining your scenario.
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