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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. The thing is with the different rates for extinction and speciation, is that an emerging species does not have to be "fully speciated" to fill the niche that an extinct species has vacated. So long speciation periods might not actually matter that much, ecologically speaking.
  2. It is faulty because your premise does not lead to your conclusion. QED. No it doesn't.
  3. By being unaware of the contradiction, outright lying, or both.
  4. Not really. God might, but he is "just there" so we shouldn't take any notice.
  5. Hamas may share their opinions with a large number of civilians, but they are the ones acting on it. I think that is the distinction Bombus draws there.
  6. This is just an example of you being disingenuous with your terms. As Sisyphus says, "yawwwwn". We have seen this show before.
  7. Can we get some sort of widget that throttles swanson's blog posts on the front page? Anyone would think he is the only one who blogs
  8. Sayonara

    Zombie Plan

    Or plankton. ZOMBIE PLANKTON! There is no escape from the wandering horrorrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2
  9. Hold on a minute Cap'n... isn't your model supposed to stop working after four years?
  10. Well, see, if they advocated rights for children, then they might feel a bit guilty while terrorising the families of people who don't like blastocysts as much as they do.
  11. Utter bollocks. Take five minutes out of your schedule, just five minutes, to search these very forums, and I promise you will find thread after thread after thread where myself and other very well qualified members have tirelessly debated creationists in discussions which lasted dozens if not hundreds of posts. The reasons you are getting "personal attacks" is that you couldn't be bothered to check this site out properly before you came here to sneer at evolutionists. Everything we are going to say on the evolution versus religion "debate" we have already said. Your laziness is the only barrier to you seeing that. I put "personal attacks" in quotes, because it is not a personal attack as such. It is an attack on the underhand tactics that the internet creationist tide teaches its followers. Since i have never met you I hope you realise the difference, just as I hope iNow realises I intended to refer to those creationists who make the effort to seek out science forums just so that they can decry our efforts to understand the way life works. Much of the rest of your post is the same lies and misinformation we have seen and crushed time and time again. Change the record. You are not going to reinvigorate the creationist cause just by re-dressing some of its failed arguments and trying to sound more authoritative than the average footsoldier. Show some evidence that you have read the extensive library of evolution versus special creation threads on this forum in your next post, because we will quickly grow tired of you if you do not. BTW, American Heritage and Merriam-Websters (pfft) are emphatically not pan-discipline technical references.
  12. Sayonara

    Zombie Plan

    There is a slight hitch with this plan, in that it is only advisable after you have established that the zombieism is transmissible, and that people who simply die for innocuous reason X do not also turn into zombies.
  13. Creationists choose their crackpot beliefs. It's not some default position that people will naturally assume while they wait for something better to pique their interest. You don't have to be nice to them. If you give creationism any credibility or quarter whatsoever, no matter how will-intentioned or benevolent, the lies win.
  14. I think iNow is thinking more in the region of this: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=fSdI8ag1k0A It gets really sick about 03:50.
  15. Tags are a relatively new feature on vBulletin forums, and from looking at the tags which have been added to threads so far it looks like a short tutorial might be needed. What are Tags? Tags are metadata keywords. This means that they are data about data, in other words they describe content. Why use Tags? Tags have several functions: They let members and search engines find content by keyword, They give a brief overview as to what the main subject of content is about, They allow content to be ordered into related subjects, They can show how popular a subject is. How should Tags be entered? When you start a thread, you can add tags to the box directly beneath the post editing panel. You can add up to 25 tags to a thread. Tags should be separated with a comma. You should NOT end the list of tags with a period or any other punctuation. vBulletin does NOT separate tags based on spaces. Therefore if you were discussing the philosophy of science, the following would be poor tag form: What does the tag "of" tell anyone about the content it is attached to? Nothing. The following would be good form: Conversely with more general topics you might want to split up all the words, so might be better than What should you not use as a Tag? A good tag is a concise, high-level keyword or key phrase which is significant to the topic at hand, and above all it should be meaningful. Therefore bad tags would be something like the following: Posting frivolous tags may be considered spam, which could attract a warning or infraction points. Other general pointers If you have an acronym, don't use periods to separate the letters and ensure you include the main words from the expanded version. For example if you were starting a thread in the computer science forum about denial of service attacks, this would be a good set of tags: This would be a poor set of tags for that thread: Last but not least, check your spelling. A mis-spelled tag is useless.
  16. What do you mean by "illegal anatomy"?
  17. No, Birmingham. Nobody in the UK would bat an eyelid.
  18. I like the way that on the rare occasions we ever get creationists any more, they don't for one second hold back and question the silent, foreboding lack of their buddies on this site before they plunge in with the lies.
  19. They are usually me being sarcastic and you not knowing why Happy SFNday
  20. I know you shouldn't laugh at your own jokes, but I came across this today and it made me lol.
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