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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. The principle phasers use to damage a target is termed the rapid nadion effect, but a good explanation of how that effect actually works is difficult to find.
  2. You want people to use google image search for you? Should have posted in the "you know you're lazy..." thread.
  3. PhasER means "Phased Energy Rectification", if that's any help
  4. Take photos on the way down!
  5. Sayonara

    About Time

    There's a new AVP trailer up with some "oooh, look" footage in it: http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/avp/internet_trailer/
  6. Yes, because we all sleep at the same time and for the same period of time Can we keep the "I wish there was more to existence" whimsy out of the Modern/Theoretical Physics thread please? I challenge you to show evidence that that kind of computational power is possible, if not practical.
  7. No. They are not the only possibilities. I have already given two others, and here's another one: Simulating a civilisation may not be mathematically and computationally possible at any level of technology.
  8. lol Yes, I understand that. And I'm pointing out the gaping great logical fallacy that the paper carefully tries to pull the rug over.
  9. We have that question without knowing time travel exists. Although it will be more interesting with a time travel element, and possibly also testable.
  10. That didn't really answer my question. [edit] Or did it?
  11. We don't like duplicate threads. Please read the forum rules.
  12. Can you not put all these statements in the same thread, possibly one that has "theory" in the title?
  13. Sayonara


    Hurrah! Did I ever tell you about the time I was in the paper for rescuing this guy who rode his bike into a canal? What the article didn't say was how much I laughed at him.
  14. Sayonara


    So that's a "yes" then?
  15. According to the current models, or to a new theory? If the latter, bad form for not pointing it out.
  16. I'm pretty sure he'd have read the FAQ when he joined, or at least if he was confused. Or maybe used another of the tools at his disposal, like using the search page to look for existing threads on the same subject.
  17. Venus fly traps are tricky to keep alive at the best of times, so make sure you know how to keep them happy before you start or you'll get false results. Iirc they need deionised water and nutrient-poor soil.
  18. To be fair, 1 in a million is rare but it still allows 6000 examples in the human population, and 6000 serial killers chasing you would certainly seem like "many".
  19. Sayonara


    He already said "I`ll post the newspaper article when it`s printed".
  20. Seriously, I actually did look at the thread and think "I'll reply later".
  21. He's not getting ansy, he's rightly pointing out that the following is a false positive and does not falsify the hypothesis:
  22. If you're talking about Brownian Motion, that's a manifestation of agitation and not surface area. Surface area is an attribute of the reactants, not the reaction. The reactants can have as much surface area as they like but this won't necessarily change the rate of collisions. [surface area absolute] and [% chance of collision] are not the same thing.
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