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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. It's still a voluntary system, unless the proposal is to force business to adopt a system that will either cripple their procedures, or make them pay more for something they are already paying for. And the bottom line is that anyone can set up a mail server, anywhere, at any time.
  2. Such a system would be wide open to abuse in both directions.
  3. Shake it, shake it, shake it like a polaroid picture.
  4. But then most people don't understand it as a practice, or indeed why it might be needed at all.
  5. Communication is not the same as "a response to a stimulus".
  6. Demosthenes - to do biology you'll need a good grasp of stats, as most of biology uses statistics in some form. You won't use calc much but it can't hurt to know how to use it.
  7. You don't think that maybe if it becomes so difficult to send spam from one's own computer, it might become easier to find ways to circumvent measures like firewalls? Also bear in mind that software that restricts your mailing ability is going to have to be voluntary, and it won't be popular. Post 28? Well, I could sit here and explain how legitimate businesses that have to send thousands of mails every hour from their mailservers are NOT going to voluntarily implement anything that increases server load and processing time, and that those same servers can be used by spammers, but I'd much rather go to bed.
  8. I don't think you mean "nope", I think you mean "probably not".
  9. You're probably being used as a node right now.
  10. I think you mean one person (SmokingSkillz), and I've pointed out already that he proceeded from a false premise. Unless you count YT, although we are already disagreeing so he's not really a valid selection. But to answer your question, you are claiming strawman. I did not "pick you" because you said it will stay upright: I was pointing out that your agreeing with YT was based on unevidenced claims. I can't very well aim a response to you at anyone else, now can I? And I can tell you now what will happen - it will rattle around a bit, skitter away, and "fall over" (if a gyroscope can do such a thing).
  11. That's not going to deter the spammers who use other people's machines.
  12. Hey I know! Why not read the articles?!
  13. Well, I'm siding with basic physics so you can think whatever you like. Considering YT hasn't actually given a mechanism, just some effects, I have to wonder what criteria you're using to make that decision.
  14. Since when have we ever let the actual situation get in the way of a good thread?
  15. The fact that they had a common ancestor and the short time scales (in evolutionary terms) would have had a lot more to do with it than their environment.
  16. If you're so surprised you should probably read the articles.
  17. I'm not sure what you mean by "cancel out", but I suspect it's not the same as what Rad E means. They'll still be spinning, sure, but the system angular momentum won't be the same as in a "normal" gyroscope.
  18. He said discs SmokingSkillz, not spheres (although I'm not sure if it makes a difference). I'm pretty sure Rad E is right about the total angular momentum being zero YT.
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