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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. It's not that fafalone doesn't want to help existing addicts - he is merely suggesting that an educative interception approach that helps to stop people becoming addicted is preferable to an interventionary approach which may not necessarily help at all.
  2. It has to propagate at c to be a wave? Are you sure about that?
  3. I don't see how any of that applies. If you have something to say, say it. If not then stop pretending you have some meaning to convey that nobody else "gets".
  4. Yes I know you did, and I also know you've had a good couple of hours to see the responses so stop trolling.
  5. Did you not wonder where it gets its power from? Given the choice between putting wires on the outside of the metal pole where any idiot could tamper with them, or feeding them out of a hole in the button housing and directly into the metal pole itself, which would you pick?
  6. Moreover, hate-mongering is the act of promoting hateful agendas. I'm thinking that post qualified.
  7. Sayonara


    Instead of asking someone who says things like "I doubt", and "probably" for more facts, why not look for government websites that describe the pertinent laws on Google?
  8. To be honest I was expecting an insane full-frontal fundamentalist assault. It must be starting to boil over by now. /Krakatoa
  9. I'm not sure exactly which part of him thought it would a good idea to quote his own post from another thread in which he was beasted for posting rhetorical nonsense, two days after being beaten with the "spam and irrelevancies" baton, but I'm betting it's the bit that is farthest away from his self-preservation gland.
  10. I have been posting such contradictions for a while now in the religion forum, and nobody ever seems to pick up on them
  11. That's limestone (well, along with some sediment). Chalk is between 50-98% CaCO3, with some or all of clay, hematite, mica, quartz and pyrite.
  12. There is something seriously wrong in your head if you actually believe any of that worthless rhetoric clap-trap. You can't condemn an entire swath of the population just because you don't like or understand them. How is being gay "immoral"? In fact no, don't even reply. Go and look at the "Sanctity of Marriage" and "Homosexuality Facts" threads again - and try to actually take them in this time. And for the love of god don't try to invoke biblical teachings.
  13. My point was that a large volume of matter is turned into energy. Whether biologically in respiration, or artificially (eg coal -> electricity). And don't forget that energy from the sun is sequestered as matter by plants. Anyway, this is all irrelevant to the original post. Especially if you're randomly deciding to bring the entire universe into it.
  15. I hope he's not been eaten by a sea monster. He's not popped by for some time now...
  16. Mwaaaa ha ha haaaaaaa. You need to read this: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=550&highlight=pole+shift Then this: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=777 Then this: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=855 They should help. Actually wait... they probably won't.
  17. There is if you count energy as matter, yeah.
  18. I fear no god. Should I stay put?
  19. NTL Home Uberband. I think they do a 2M as well.
  20. Cheers faf, a much simpler answer
  21. It looks a lot more like blaming the people who put temptation in the path of the addicts. I agree with you that the user is the person most responsible for how they administer the drug to themselves. What I'm saying is that "Damn that Fred for leaving his gun where Timmy could play with it" is not the same as "Damn you, evil pistol".
  22. Does that then mean that a civil union would deny the same right for a heterosexual couple?
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