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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I'm not certain crickitt intended to blame the drug tbh.
  2. I'm not sure I follow. You said that the rights were different for civil unions and marriages. In your example above I assume that you mean the man and the woman are married. Did the gay couple get married, or do they have a civil union? If the former, would having a civil union instead of a marriage grant them that right? If the latter, would marriage grant them that right?
  3. 1M ADSL cable. I'm pretty sure at least one person is going to do the whole "my penis is bigger because my college connection is 50000000 Mb", so I'm going to intercept that with "so? This line is mine", even though it's actually LuTze's contract.
  4. REALLY? OMGWOW! Because we both have exactly the same system with exactly the same configuration and exactly the same registry and we were both doing exactly the same thing at the time so on-the-fly should have worked in both cases!
  5. Sayonara


    So you want to stick your oar in too do you? * Fine. Why should I look back up the thread? What is this great mystery I've overlooked? Do tell. * You might well have come to the conclusion from the number of times I have told people to "read the thread" when they have given precluded responses to me, that I actually am reading the thread closely, but since you chose not to I am calling you out on this. ATM is right - if you people just keep repeating the same arguments ad nauseam, and taking stances that have already been used by others and debunked, this thread is going to go nowhere. Read again from page 1 and see the MIGHTY WOWNESS that consistent arguments bring to a discussion.
  6. I'll try again next time I reboot - never did trust Macromedia's "on the fly" installers
  7. This was immediately after I pressed "start". I have a full AuthorWare installation, and I was using IE 6 at the time.
  8. "Error reading the Authorware Web Player map file"
  9. Sayonara


    If you're going to go so far as to call me "ignorant", instead of considering I might know exactly what is missed off and that my structured argument has a point to make, you might want to back yourself up by stating what it is.
  10. Single letter posts is really taking the piss.
  11. Last time I checked the dead outnumbered the living 30:1. Although I'm not sure what the source was classing as "human".
  12. That is one confused amphibian. Or three confused ones... whatever :scratch:
  13. If you mean "what is BSE the abbreviation for", I already said in post #13: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy.
  14. They do, it's just that they're the result of 1-in-a-trillion type mating events. Maybe if every tiger mated only with lions, and so on, you'd end up with a small population of survivable ligers and tigons, but few of those would be capable of reproducing. It's also assuming that no lion-lion or tiger-tiger matings occur any more, which is one hell of an assumption. Here's a captive liger: http://www.sierrasafarizoo.com/animals/liger.htm You'll notice the info about non-sterile mules - search on this site for a story about one mating successfully.
  15. And then a Tyranodile and a Crocosaurus mate to produce a Crocodile (or close ancestor of, anyway)?
  16. What's the difference between a Tyranodile and a Crocosaurus?
  17. Right - I need to get this straight. Is this a fairly accurate summary of your theory...?
  18. Please cite your sources when copying verbatim: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%22In+the+greatest+surveillance+effort+ever+established%2C+the+%22&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&btnG=Google+Search&meta=
  19. Same as faf really. Interestingly, since ST first aired we have developed hyposprays, PADDs, phasers (sort of), multi-lingual translators, and tricorders (as near as damnit). We're working on cloaking effects, matter tele-transfer (kind of), and biobeds (which is more a question of cost-benefit comparison rather than being actually difficult to do).
  20. How does "humans came from that goo there that we didn't see forming" preclude "humans came from that goo there that we didn't see forming, but which was seeded here 3 years ago by some space people"? And it was "All Good Things...", not E@F.
  21. How can you not realise that if it worked like this everything we know about evolution and all of our actual observations of the world right now would be wrong? Before you try and model genetic progression, maybe you should learn how it actually works.
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