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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Or you could devise the experiments required to evidence your claims - that would make you a scientist.
  2. "That treaty has been around for a ver long time, we didn't sign it then why would we sign it now." Because the administrations change? "Mines are one of the cheapest and best ways of defending a position" Cheap for the country laying them, yeah. Not cheap for the citizenry of their allies who have to fund charities to deal with the aftermath, despite paying taxes that are meant to partly fund the respective MODs. http://dmoz.org/Society/Issues/Warfare_and_Conflict/Weapons/Landmines/ http://www.redcross.org/news/in/africa/010810mozmining.html "these smart mines take most of the problems away anyway. " Correction: they will do when you (we?) start using them, AND all non-smart mines are neutralised and removed from both combat and non-combat zones.
  3. Sayonara


    "Bludgeoning" would be hitting people with the gun, Bill Sykes stylee. "Posturing" would be buying guns so you can say "mwaaaa, I have guns".
  4. Sayonara


    Most of the time collecting will come under posturing. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "recreation", if not practicing or killing. I'll assume you mean clay pigeon shooting (add it to the list!).
  5. Depends who you ask. Actually I think my brain backfired in reply #77, I may have to come back to that one.
  6. Sayonara


    Quite right. They're for terrorising, bludgeoning, posturing, intimidating... oh, and practicing all of the above. Did I miss anything out?
  7. Since I don't recognise creationism as a workable universal mechanism, as far as I am concerned it "might, but might not" depending on with whom I am arguing, not about what I am arguing. Conditional, not imprecise. The point of the post was to dispell the myth of the creationism<>evolution false dilemma. Mission accomplished.
  8. Sayonara


    False dilemma fallacy. False dilemma fallacy and shooting for practice has already been discussed in posts you clearly missed. False dilemma fallacy. Wow, you really like that one. Straw man fallacy. Straw Man, Appeal to Belief, Appeal to Tradition, Begging the Question, Biased Sample, and Confusing Cause and Effect fallacies all in two sentences. Astounding.
  9. Sorry, but that phrase always makes me giggle like a schoolgirl who's just seen her first willy.
  10. If the MIME is incorrectly set up for PHP, you'll know the instant you request a PHP page.
  11. It is possible that the MIME-types on a server might be set up incorrectly. This can result in a stream of information being rendered in the browser as text and non-text characters when a file request is made, instead of being correctly handled and responded to by the server (you see this sometimes when trying to download media files from some websites). This is the result of crappy server administration though, rather than an attribute of PHP itself.
  12. Yes - ask them for it. You'd be surprised how many coders will happily oblige. Anything else is theft.
  13. Atlantic is right - your PHP source can't be viewed from a browser. Even if you call a PHP-only file with the HTTP protocol, the code will be executed on the server and only valid output gets returned. It's one of the advantages of a server-side language
  14. Why would it be part of Murphy's Law? They're completely different.
  15. When I have problems like this, I search the forums on http://www.phpbuilder.com - you can always bet good money 382 people have asked the same question there before
  16. Well, for a start a civilisation that could time travel wouldn't need to travel into the past of a multiverse (or "worldline" as Titor called it) to come up with a Unix fix.
  17. Duck's quacks do echo - the myth that they don't was debunked last year. Perhaps this "wolves' howls don't echo" is the replacement?
  18. :coolio: \o/ What are you going to do with your elemental phosphorus?
  19. They would seem to be related: http://www.vh.org/adult/patient/internalmedicine/aba30/2001/madcow.html
  20. It's not really "my" link. I simply provided a generic page giving details on CJD, which is clearly one of the pieces of the puzzle aommaster is missing. I don't go around asking myself "now what will MishMish want from this thread?" before I post replies BSE is BOVINE Spongiform Encephalopathy. Humans don't get it by definition, even if the infectious agent does come from cows.
  21. This is a difficult question. So many to choose from!
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