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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. I think what YT meant with the slavery post was that he expected everyone to jump on him for saying slavery is wrong - when it's clearly a good moral position - just because they were all on the "YT stomping bandwagon". Of course, since people were bashing his (still unqualified imho) opinions and not YT himself, the logic doesn't hold. It's the anti-homophobia bandwagon, not the "YT and anything he says" bandwagon.
  2. Now that the fuss has calmed down a little, and all the information is there for those who want to look, I thought it would be interesting to see how people are reacting to the fall-out from the Hutton enquiry.
  3. http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4217665/ MSN reported recently on the ease with which private, personal and sensitive information can be dug up - either at random or through targeted searches - using public and legal tools such as Google. The issue of information rights online is a contentious one, but my question is simple. If people make their details available to one public service online (be it "Friends Reunited" style sites, WHOIS records etc), do they still have a right to privacy? If so, at what point does use f that information become abuse?
  4. What does everyone think of Libya's recent attempts to re-enter the international community? Should we meet these efforts with a certain degree of scepticism, or is it time to welcome the country back into the fold with open arms? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/3474001.stm
  5. Field trials for a wearable, 'intelligent' computer are being undertaken in Spain. The system is designed to help astrobiologists select areas of special geological interest on future Mars missions. It includes a 667 MHz belt computer running Microsoft Windows, an eye display, finger mouse, camera and wearable keyboard. It can easily be adapted for use by robots. The software is designed to spot areas of "uncommonality" in image maps, and can be easily configured to pick out areas of interest or look for specific features. Full story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3473139.stm
  6. You could always have a full-blown browser window launch a chromeless pop-up that then kills its parent, but it (a) might not look too great starting up and (b) probably won't be cross-platform.
  7. Are you going to stop everything and start over every time someone makes an association you don't get? Acid jazz is a genre of music. Door --> Knob Haha
  8. If there's anyone who can find out how to make kryptonite, it's YT
  9. In Star Trek a heuristic universal translator is used to translate languages. It's not without its problems (see all of Ent season 1, TNG "Darmok"). In TNG "The Chase" it was discovered that most humanoid races were seeded across the galaxy from the DNA of a long-extinct parent race, hence the similarities in overall form.
  10. The Weekly World News isn't even a newspaper.
  11. It'd have to be an electric oven though. Mmmmm beer cake.
  12. That doesn't normally happen over rooftops unless it's significantly large and heat resistant.
  13. Well it isn't made up. http://www.webelements.com/webelements/elements/text/Kr/key.html
  14. http://bes.ismennt.is/fis/Project/Teiknimyndir/images/didi2.gif Best I could find
  15. At least someone made it to the finishing line.
  16. We're not arguing. You posted an irrelevant question, I answered it, you posted something else irrelevant that had nothing to do with my answer or the thread. Where's the argument? Lice suck.
  17. No. The cause and the condition are not the same thing. Look up the pathology. You are this far away from a spam warning -> <-
  18. Yes, but not because they have a homeostatic system. Because they don't have a homeostatic system.
  19. Sayonara


    Stop rambling. Take it to PM or a more suitable thread if it's not about gun control.
  20. You aren't explaining what you want very well. There's all sorts of funky actionScript <> JavaScript interaction you can do to control both the Flash player and browser windows. http://www.actionscript.org
  21. The thread was there, yes. Viruses DON'T have any homeostatic system though.
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