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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Perhaps you should consider that the fact you think homosexuality needs to be "cured" speaks volumes about where you stand.
  2. I have yet to see an argument for "opposing homosexuality" (pfft - like it's a matter of opinion) that isn't bigotry masquerading as social or moral concern.
  3. And then maybe stone them to death if they don't "cure" themselves? You might think you have "moderately liberal views", but I can tell you now that you don't.
  4. Virus also deserves an EUGH. I did not elevate the eughness of parasites above the eughness of anything else, so I don't see where this argument is going.
  5. A line or surface parallel to a tangential plane which is perpendicular to the planet's radius, where the radius passes through the geometric centre of both the tangential plane and the line or surface.
  6. You won't being saying that if you suffer from an immunodefficiency at some point in the future. You'll say things like "Oh bloody hell. Killed by a plasmodium, how embarassing."
  7. The average human has around 180 species of parasite living on and in them. Eugh.
  8. That's not parasitism, it's commensalism. Literally meaning "eating at the same table", in this relationship one species derives benefit (the bird) and the other is unaffected. If you demonstrate that the croc derives benefit from having its teeth and gums cleaned, it's a mutualistic relationship.
  9. Damn. This parasite's more cunning than I thought
  10. If they were patriots, they would have been sitting around with cups of tea barking "God save the King".
  11. I'm fairly certain it's caused by fungus.
  12. If you are travelling through time at a greater rate than me; then am I moving further into your past?
  13. No, that's not the only explanation that makes sense - it's the only one you can understand. That's not enough reason to declare it "impossible". You haven't even said what it is that's "impossible". Time travel? Inter-dimensional travel (god I hate that phrase)? Putting letters in places? Assuming a single timeline dynamic with (and then without) pre-destination effects, it's perfectly feasible to logically consider the possibilities - it doesn't have to be "right". Assuming multiversal travel, pre-destination effects become less of a problem and more of a benefit to any explanation.
  14. Maybe it won't appear at all. Assuming they're in the same timeline however, I'd bet it would appear the instant he left. There's no good reason why he can't arrive back then as well.
  15. Indeed. The happy little chap who decided to block the progress of the tanks that were crushing the demonstration (literally - some in their tents while they slept), and was executed for his troubles. It wasn't specifically about child laws; my point was that Chinese parents don't sit around thinking of ways to seriously piss off their government and make their lives more difficult at the same time, just on a whim.
  16. Yes George, you do need to turn to the constitutional process.
  17. There aren't a great deal of warm blooded species down there.
  18. I laughed so hard when I saw that
  19. "Perhaps you missed the part where he also thinks he was chosen by God..." Not really. I'm still in the bemused stage.
  20. He's the elected president, not the Pope. If teachers can be sacked for discussing god with students, why does he get to unilaterally enforce his religion's beliefs on the entire USA?
  21. The millions of people who turned out to vote would take ages to call as witnesses.
  22. What's the reasoning behind banning same-sex marriages?
  23. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO http://www.fathersforlife.org/worldpop3.htm Yeah, everyone likes to disobey the Chinese Government because they're such a jolly bunch of warm-hearted old souls. They love a good laugh. TIAN AN MEN SQUARE ring any bells?
  24. Troll: To make inflamatory comments that are intended to ellicit a vehement response. ^ That's hardly going to cool things down, now is it? You've added no value to this thread whatsoever, so you're not really in a position to criticise someone for having an opinion. If you like arguing so much, why not go and accept a challenge in the debating forum? At least that's productive.
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