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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. You can get turmeric in your supermarket if there isn't an international food store near you. It'll be in the seasonings or herbs & spices section, or the Indian Cuisine section if there is one. YT's the man for this kind of experiment
  2. Sayonara


    Send 'em back to God.
  3. You do know about the ozone layer, and the Antarctic shelf, right? Oh, and the droughts and floods. Let's not forget those. They're good indicators of things to come, and how quickly disasters can crop up.
  4. That would only be true if the universe were infinitely large, and contained infinite matter/energy. It isn't and it doesn't, unfortunately.
  5. It's not like Spielberg has been trying to earn his degree since he left school though, is it? "Some people who don't have degrees are wise enough to get one" does not automatically mean "someone who has a degree might not be wise", which (in turn or in isolation) doesn't lead to "not all degree holders are wise, so we won't consider degree holders in our quest for wisdom".
  6. The "point" I was trying to make was that there is research out there that dslc1000 might find helpful in his investigations, but obviously he can do without it.
  7. A pair of goggles designed specifically to flip the image, using mirrors, before it reaches the retina. IE the wearer sees everything upside-down. After a few days, the brain compensates and flips the image the right way up. Removing the goggles results in a few days of seeing everything upside-down before it flips back.
  8. If this helps, it's been demonstrated that wearing goggles which invert the image before it reaches the retina causes the brain to flip the image after a few days.
  9. From the article: That's the bit we're interested in. Oh, his interests are purely financial too.
  10. Gah, you beat me to the punch. I was about to note that there was no apparent link between status and prevalence of drugs like ecstasy, LSD, amphetamines etc. At least, not at a societal high level.
  11. Bending gravity with household chemicals? L:-)L
  12. Pseudoscience uses MS Paint too you know.
  13. Also known as the Slartibartfast Approach.
  14. OIC, that certainly makes more sense. Ignore me mossoi Do you remember that "Focus" pop science magazine? I had a letter published in that when I was 13 or something. It was "why does water expand when it freezes?", and they put a picture of an iceberg next to the question. :proud: God how I wish I was drunk right now.
  15. Think about that. Where do you see ice forming in an ice cube tray, or on a pond? Ice floats because it is less dense than water.
  16. Serendipity is when you accidentally discover something, while looking for something else. For example; while looking around the flat for your car keys you come across a lost Aztec temple in the linen cupboard. What a serendipitous event!
  17. Except that if you have antimass you have to have antigravity...?
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