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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Yeah, but that time it actually was full. I trimmed some messages out of other folders, so if it happens again something is afoot.
  2. I took the liberty of adding two logically viable options
  3. How peculier. 76 is the maximum? Oddness.
  4. I have 4 in my inbox and 76 among all my folders. So why do I keep getting "inbox full" warnings? Someone PM me to test pls
  5. "General Discussion". (Although I can't say I care really. "I know something you don't know" hasn't work on me for years )
  6. I hope there's a 5 trillion quid reserve on it, otherwise he'll end up paying a 50 billion pound transaction fee when people really start to bump up the bids. Ha ha ha, get clicking.
  7. Maybe it's the Queen. She's funding her retirement ON MARS.
  8. I think it means that they bid £1 more than the last bidder. Y'know, because it's an auction.
  9. I like the way some drivers demand that the environment and our surroundings be torn up or buried, so that they can have smooth strips to drive on while they unnecessarily consume vast portions of the planet's fossil fuel reserves and pump out billions of gallons of toxic byproducts. Then they get angry when there are people walking and breathing in their way. Yeah, non-drivers are just like so inconsiderate
  10. Sayonara

    - Iq -

    I tend to agree, except where IQ will be a determining factor in the situation (for instance, during IQ tests ).
  11. You know I didn't mean you, right?
  12. And certain people think I make waste posts.
  13. Hippy parents? Are they YT and Dudde?
  14. Wave, wind and geothermal power. Biogas collection.
  15. < Rob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111112 fs
  16. Because it was fun. Because it stopped being fun.
  17. But: More addictive != More difficult to stay off after quitting. Which is the logical hole I was pointing out to begin with. I'd rather be hooked on cigs too I think, and a large part of the problem might be the different way the drugs are perceived. For instance, we all know one cig won't kill you. For most smokers the possible threat of cancer in 30 years or so is a bland one. However the idea of being hooked on heroin, suffering horrible withdrawals, and ending up as a grey corpse in a dumpster is a pretty effective deterrent, no matter how inaccurate.
  18. I don't think I'd want to eat a cake which had sufficient structural integrity to keep water in a liquid form at 250F.
  19. C++ is probably the best all-around language for programming I would have thought, but LuTze will be able to tell you more about that. Computer game programming can be quite demanding. Depending on what you're doing, you may find you need a range of skills such as programming, 2D and 3D art etc.
  20. What is it you want to be able to do?
  21. Damn Ummmmm. Ah. That explains a thing or two. The position: "a good many junk users when quit, Stay quit. the same cannot be said for smokers". So what we're looking for ideally is some comparative study between the quitting rates for a narcotic, opiate or what have you, and the quitting rates for nicotine. http://www.lycaeum.org/drugwar/hening.html Doesn't support the position, unless you subscribe to the notion that overall rate of quitting success (and subsequent re-addictions) is directly related to average degree of dependency, which requires vastly more evidence. http://www.ash.org.uk/html/factsheets/html/fact09.html Does not support the position as it does not even mention heroin. Does include some interesting info though: Twenty per cent or less of those who embark on a course of treatment succeed in abstaining for as long as a year, while only around 3 per cent succeed in quitting using willpower alone.[7] Most smokers take several attempts to quit before they finally succeed. Take that last sentence for instance. Does it mean that most smokers end up quitting for good? Or are the words "[Most smokers] who try [take...]" missing from the sentence? http://www.wellnessnet.com/stopsmoking-article-7.htm Whut? That doesn't contrast nicotine and heroin, it compares them. http://www.jeliowa.org/know_addiction.asp Well this article says that heroin is less instantly addictive than nicotine. Big surprise. What it doesn't compare are successful quitter rates for heroin and nicotine, so again - does not support the position. It's also heavily biased against smoking as a concept to the (worrying) extent that it ignores the fact it's saying "hey kids, heroin is more preferable than nicotine. Go nuts!" http://reason.com/0306/fe.js.h.shtml "Oooh we found an anomaly" is not the best premise for an article, but hey. The only bit I found in support of the position was: "In one survey, 57 percent of drug users entering a Canadian treatment program said giving up their problem substance (not necessarily heroin) would be easier than giving up cigarettes" - but the fact that they said it doesn't mean that it's true. http://www.healthy.net/asp/templates/article.asp?PageType=article&ID=1275 Not terribly detailed in the one place it mentions non-nicotine drugs. http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic1642.htm Does not deal with the comparison at all. If I had claimed something like "nicotine is not addictive", you'd be laughing. I'll have that card back now please As it happens though it was, like I said, the logic and not the content. Without evidence either way I'm not going to form an opinion on whether you're right or wrong.
  22. Neither here nor there because, as I mentioned, I did not actually say you were wrong. I'm really at a loss for words on that one
  23. That's more like it, ta I'll have a look at these later on. What card? I didn't say you were wrong.
  24. "Find evidence to support my case yourself if you can't just take my word for it." I don't think so. BTW, before you get too involved in arguing this point to the death, note that I was talking about the logic employed in the post, and not the actual content.
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