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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. According to...? I see a conversation about how that might work, but I don't see any figures, links to studies, or corroborative sources. [edit] Citing someone further up the thread...? Come on.
  2. Less and less so these days. Even when I was smoking I objected to other people's smoke, so I'm all for reduced exposure \o/
  3. "the same cannot be said for smokers" Why not? If you're going to say it's because "many users quit then resume their habit", wouldn't that also be the other side of "a good many junk users when quit, Stay quit"? (The inference being that 'a good many' staying quit suggests not all of them manage it). Not all smokers who quit resume smoking, so you might just as easily say "a good many cig users when quit, Stay quit".
  4. "Smoking should be banned because it's harmful, therefore illegal drugs should be legalised" isn't a particularly good argument in any case.
  5. Apparently I'm idealistic. How scarily predictable I am.
  6. Actually, the Dauntless NX-01-A is on there, so I might as well make a separate entry for the Delta Flyer. Seeing as it's actually bigger than the doorway into the shuttlebay it's supposed to reside in, it could even be considered a separate Starship
  7. This was the point I was trying to make when we last discussed this topic, before the thread ("Should Prostitution be Legalised") descended into a slagging match. Hence the "not bothering to go over the same arguments again and again" thing. The question of whether or not society can abdicate responsibility for the social, financial or medical well-being of an individual, on the grounds that their freedom to act as they will might otherwise be compromised, is going to take a lot more answering than any random statistics can provide. Not that I disagree entirely with the pro-decriminalisation arguments, but I haven't seen any sufficiently convincing reasoning yet.
  8. Or maybe half the brains in the class would turn off as you systematically alienate them to the programme. You aren't going to get through to the entire population by bombarding them with biochemistry that few are interested in, and fewer understand.
  9. You should try posting it on http://www.physicspost.com and see what sort of response you get
  10. Inconsistencies in his narrative make me somehow doubt that he was a time travelling agent from a future "worldline" who popped in to the internet for a nice chat.
  11. "You can present us with the material, but you can't make us care". etc
  12. And who exactly pays for all these extra doors? It can't be the women, historically they earn much less.
  13. Can you grab a copy from their archives?
  14. But they're in cubicles. Men have only got one door between their bits and the rest of the building. The women get three. How is that fair?
  15. I have noticed in a lot of public buildings, the women's toilets will have two doors and the gents only has one. I find this peculiar since women generally do their business in a cubicle, whereas the blokes do it in the body of the room. Back-to-front, surely?
  16. Apparently the Vitis vinifera species accounts for 99% of the world's wine, so I'd imagine the practice of naming your wine after the region came about as it was more reasonable to expect your customers to remember a place name, rather than the Latin names of the specific cultivars that grow there. Maybe. I dunno.
  17. A mutualism can be a symbiotic relationship, but commensalism is not symbiotic. Symbiosis deals with the dependency of the trophisms, whereas mutualism deals with benefit.
  18. The study of society is quite clearly a tiny part of ecology.
  19. Delta Flyer isn't a runabout. It's not a Federation vessel either if you really get down to it. I'll prolly add it to Voyager's entry when I get around to it, although personally I don't find it that interesting as a ship :offtopic:
  20. Yeah, I'll have to reply to that later. Tbh a lot of stuff like SPS might need to be reworked anyway for AW:FE. I still want to keep away from any kind of currency or resource movement though. ANyway, this is all a bit :offtopic:
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