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Everything posted by Sayonara

  1. Isn't it about time this thread got another Great Story?
  2. YT can't afford to run a bike any more because he spends all his petrol money on shampoo.
  3. Happy New Year everyone, and I hope you all had a merry xmas even though it's all a big lie. *hands out mince pies*
  4. PHP is a lot easier than PERL. I'd recommended using server-side code wherever security is an issue, instead of putting the code into the user's hands with client-side scripts. There are http protocols that allow for directory password protection etc, it depends on the server configuration. You're much better off reading dedicated articles on webdev sites than asking on a forum that has nothing to do with web development or security.
  5. Define "End of the World". I don't know why people rush in and vote on these things when the question doesn't make sense, or there are obvious options missing.
  6. I of course meant "VHS and the non-extended DVD version", I just forgot to write half of the sentence. Can't wait for extended DVD
  7. *bans everyone* I win
  8. Yes, we are a major target thanks to the US installations we host. Not to mention our strategic positioning and our recent political allegiances (thanks for that Tony).
  9. And a lot easier than saying it to everyone individually
  10. If they follow the pattern they used for FOTR and TTT, it should be on VHS in about April-May.
  11. Second American Civil War, ETA 12-24 months.
  12. Can I just point out that exobiology is actually a valid branch of science; in fact NASA and ESA spend considerable monies on exobiology. Unfortunately exobiological predictions do require a lot of knowledge from various fields (atronomy, geology, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, genetics, ecology, energetics.... it goes on) but there is plenty of material available on the web. This is not the "random speculation" forum. We have one of those, located here: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=59
  13. I doubt it's just you that's happened to - try the knowledge base on MicroSoft technet to see what other people have said about it.
  14. KH just needs to stop posting every thought that claws through his brain. Oh, and stop abusing punctuation
  15. No. That is not true. And even if it were true, it is a world away from events occuring in reality.
  16. Well, it was your wording and not mine: "Nature has a goal(way of doing) and we are the TOOLS/WAYS to get there." You also said nature had "a plan". What's the evidence for this?
  17. Oh Good Rubbery Lord Jebus... This is not the best site but the basic description of water potential here is ok: http://www.decagon.com/tru_psi/water%20potential%20info.html
  18. That's weird - never heard of anything like that. Have you checked on MS knowledge base?
  19. What forum was it in? It may have been moved by someone. Have you searched on Fafalone's posts?
  20. heh heh heh aommaster likes turtles
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